
Why do people attend worship?

  • Some come out of curiosity.
  • Some yearn for purpose, belonging, identity, and meaning.
  • Some want answers and guidance.
  • Some seek blessings, forgiveness, and/or healing.
  • Some enjoy the fellowship and chance to meet new friends.
  • Some yearn for hope and peace.

While reasons may vary, there is a common desire to encounter God in some way. And we hope you will join us for worship in-person or virtually so that we can together experience the goodness of God, find rest and renewal of spirit, and explore together what it means to live in faith today.

Why is worship important?

  • Worship begins with God and is a gift from God.  At the root of of worship is God’s desire to fellowship with us.
  • Through worship, we encounter God and experience God’s love and transforming grace.
  • Worship challenges us to think about our faith in today’s context.
  • Worship is a a way for us to express our faith, to praise God as Lord and to offer ourselves in Christ’s service.
  • Worship is an integral way of being the church.

What can you expect at Sunday worship? Here are some frequently asked questions to answer some questions you may have:

What should I wear?

Don’t fret about clothing.  People wear anything from jeans and shorts to dresses and business casual.

How early do I need to arrive?

During regular Sunday service, people usually arrive 5-20 minutes before service. Some like to arrive a bit earlier so they can socialize, read the bulletin, or catch up on what’s happening. Don’t worry if you show up a few minutes late. We keep the bulletins by the sanctuary door and we have a greeter who can assist you, if needed.

What if there is a snowstorm on Sunday?

During the winter, should weather result in in-person services being cancelled, we will update the church voicemail notifying you services have been cancelled.  Simply call the church number and wait for the recorded message.  We will also post this news via email, our website, and Facebook page.

Thanks to technology, however, we can still livestream a modified service, as the minister can livestream the service from home.

How accessible is St. Paul’s?

We do have some limitations when it comes to accessibility, but we have developed some creative solutions over the years.  We do have a parking lot, but the sanctuary is only accessible by stairs.  We have created an upstairs-downstairs worship space.  For those that cannot access the sanctuary, we have set up some worship space in the vestry downstairs with a screen so that the service is streamed into the vestry.  Some people even prefer to worship in the vestry as they can sit around the tables (and bring their coffee!). The vestry is accessible by stairs and by ramp via the side entrance off the parking lot.

What’s the atmosphere like?

We sure hope you don’t find worship and congregational life boring here at St. Paul’s.  Building a relationship with God and being part of a church family is pretty exciting and fulfilling.

Every service is carefully and prayerfully planned with hopes you will encounter God’s grace through Jesus.  We believe that Scripture, preaching, teaching, praying, music, and experiential elements of worship can help us connect to God in a meaningful way.  During fellowship time and other activities, we hope you will meet people who care, are full of laughter, and who offer words of encouragement.

For an older church, we are thankful to say we even offer pretty comfortable seating (no hard pews!), and while there are many opportunities to stand during service, we know this might not be practical or easy for everyone.  If you need to sit even when others are standing (or vice-versa for that matter), that’s           perfectly ok.

We are especially thankful for the stained glassed windows that embrace the sanctuary.  The natural light brings them to life and provide us with some thoughtful imagery and time for reflection.

We are a smaller congregation, but being small has its benefits too.  It allows us to develop more meaningful relationships and feel more connected, like a family.  And in these times, when pandemic anxieties still exist, we have the space to be friendly and welcoming, while allowing people to guard their physical space too.

What is the music like?

Worship music includes a mix of classic and contemporary hymns accompanied by the organ or piano. From time to time we have a choir that shares their gift of singing and sometimes we have special singers or musicians share special music too.

Will I be asked to give money?

During Sunday worship, an opportunity is given for people to offer up to God a monetary gift to support St. Paul’s ongoing ministry.

The offering serves different purposes. It is a way to acknowledge that everything we have is a gift from God.  It is an expression of gratitude for – and response to – God’s goodness, as well as a  symbol of our desire to devote ourselves to God’s service.  It is also a way to support the ongoing work of the church.  Every offering – be it large or small, monetary or offerings of our lives, time, skills, and other items – is valued and makes a difference in ministry.

You are not required to give money. Should you wish to do so, thank you. If you choose to do so, you will find offering envelopes in the pew racks in front of your seat.

What happens after worship?

Following service, please join us in the vestry downstairs for light refreshments. It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends!