New! St. Paul’s Closet


Opening Doors to God’s Love Through Neighbourly Blessings

Each and every day is a special day because it is a day that the Lord has made.

But if you do a little research, it seems that each and every day is also marked by something unique or distinct, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes fun, sometimes solemn, sometimes important, sometimes historical or religious, sometimes silly.

For example, did you know that August 27 is the 13th Sunday in Pentecost?  But it is also the 147thAnniversary of St. Paul’s and Moldova’s Independence Day!  And… it’s also National Just Because Day!

Friday, August 25 also happened to be National Second-hand Wardrobe Day.  Coincidentally it was the day St. Paul’s launched a new mission and outreach service to the community – St. Paul’s Closet.

During the spring, St. Paul’s – with the help of students from Woodstock High’s essential skills class – opened the doors of St. Paul’s Pantry to create an opportunity for neighbours to help neighbours with the sharing of food and toiletries. People can’t take as they need, at no cost, and people can also fill the cupboard with items too.

In recent years, we’ve also held clothing/bedding give-aways, and earlier this summer our yard sale’s pricing was based on by donation to make goods more accessible by those coping with rising costs and income insecurities.

In light of the feedback we’ve received with the pantry and clothing/bedding give aways, and the prayerful discernment and dialogue we’ve engaged into move forward in ministry, mission and outreach, session approved the creation of a new second-hand goods ministry that could be housed within the church building.

On August 25, St. Paul’s Closet was launched.  With donations of second-hand clothing and other household items, a new thrift store became available.  Led by Closet Coordinators Avis Golding and Dineke Sytstma, St. Paul’s Closet will open its doors each Friday from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.  Prices are by donations only, unless otherwise marked.

In addition to creating opportunities for neighbours to help neighbours, St. Paul’s Closet creates good stewardship practices, i.e., cutting back on waste, creating volunteer opportunities, promoting community spirit, and having a positive impact on the environment.

If you would like to learn more about how you can get involved with St. Paul’s Closet (i.e., donating, volunteering, promoting), please contact Avis (506-328-8991) or Dineke (506-276-4669).