A New Way of Giving (PAR)

Introducing PAR:

The session and board of managers are pleased to introduce an alternative way of giving in support of St. Paul’s ministry:  PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance).

What is the PAR Plan? 

Many of us are accustomed to having automatic debits taken directly from our bank account to pay expenses.  PAR works in a similar way.

PAR is one way to enable people to give their offering intentionally, proportionally and faithfully all year long. PAR is a direct debit program that allows you to support your church through an automatic monthly withdrawal from their bank account.

The PAR program is available to many congregations throughout The Presbyterian Church in Canada.  It does not replace the traditional way of giving.  You are not obligated to sign-up for PAR.  We want to offer this an option because it can:

    • Increase the regularity of offerings,
    • Reduce the seasonal low giving periods,
    • Be convenient for those worshipping virtually,
    • Lighten the tellers’ workload, and
    • Provide a substantial foundation for budgeting.

How does the plan work? 

The United Church of Canada (UCC) administers the program for The Presbyterian Church in Canada Congregations.  This arrangement keeps administrative costs low.  It only costs $0.50 per donor each month.

On the 20th of each month, offerings come out of the PAR givers’ bank accounts and the UCC direct deposits it to the congregation’s bank account (less the administrative cost).

You will still get a tax receipt for givings you make through PAR.  The UCC will provide St. Paul’s envelope secretary with the data needed to compile the receipts.

Is there a cost to sign-up?  There is no sign-up cost.  When the UCC transfers your monthly givings to St. Paul’s, it will deduct $0.50 from your contribution each month.  Some people may choose to give an initial, separate, offering of $6 (12 months x $0.50) when they sign-up, in the same way people often give a special offering to cover the cost of envelopes.

Who will look after the PAR program at St. Paul’s?

Diane Cail will be St. Paul’s PAR coordinator.  You can get PAR authorization forms from her, and do not hesitate to ask her any questions she may have.  She will coordinate our forms with the UCC and share monthly reports with the treasurer and envelope secretary to help them with their reporting. Her email address is cailsconcoctions@gmail.com .

How to sign up:

The attached brochure contains an authorization form, and we will have copies at church on Sunday too.  You must also provide a signed, voided cheque with your completed form.

You can still designate your givings if you wish to divide your givings between general ministries and Presbyterians Sharing, for example.

You can also change your givings at any time, but it may take up to a month to see the changes take effect.

Some people miss the ritual of placing their givings in the offering plate once they sign up for PAR.  We will have PAR cards on hand in the vestry and sanctuary for December.  And if you wish, you can pick up a PAR card on your way in and place it in the offering plate (see pic at top of this email).

Those on PAR can still use offering envelopes or a plain envelope indicating their name and/or envelope if they wish to make an extra or special offering.

“The pre-authorized remittance plan helps me to give consistently … proportionately … intentionally. It helps me to say thank you to God.” — PAR participant

Please do not hesitate to speak with Diane at church or by email/phone if you have any questions.
