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Woodstock Fire Dept Appreciation

St. Paul’s is part of the Woodstock and District Ministerial Association.  This year, the Ministerial is exploring ways to express gratitude and support for the dedication, sacrifice and service of both the Woodstock Fire Department and Woodstock Police Department.  Such activities will be led or sponsored by the various congregations within the Ministerial.

For example on June 5, following a service of blessing for the new fire truck (led by the Rev. Chaplain Walter Williams), the Salvation Army and St. Paul’s were honoured to provide the Woodstock Fire Department with a buffet supper and words of thanksgiving and prayer.

Approximately 25 members of the fire department were in attendance.  Majors Angel and Marlene Sandoval from the Salvation Army were happy to serve them along with Rev. Wendy and Eugene Craig from St. Paul’s.

We served up salads, vegetables, rolls, chicken with homemade tomato sauce, Basmati rice medley, lasagna made by Mike and Wendy Smith, a fire-truck themed cake with ice cream, coffee, and a specialty lime juice flavoured with mint and orange (Marlene’s recipe, which we must get!)

To the Woodstock Fire Department:  Thank you for your hard work, commitment, service and sacrifice. May God bless you and protect you and the community you serve. And thank you to your families and loved ones for the support and sacrifices they make too.



Volunteers Needed – Funding Development Committee

Charting the future of St. Paul’s ministry – Funding Development Committee: volunteers needed. One of the outcomes of last week’s meeting was to establish a funding development committee to help explore and establish means and ways to support short and long term financial needs of St. Paul’s. Diane and Les will co-chair this committee and are looking for committee members who are interested in working together to identify funding solutions, develop new ways to support our ministry and capital needs, and encourage good stewardship practices. If you wish to help, a short meeting will take place following service on June 4 at 12:15.

Lunch & Learn – Cyber Safety & Fraud Prevention


New! Digital Discovery Activities at St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s is planning a series of digital discovery activities this year to help better connect people, especially seniors, with technology. Join us for our first Digital Discovery activity on Wednesday, May 10 from Noon – 1:30 p.m. This will be a Lunch and Learn on Cyber Safety and Fraud Prevention featuring guest speaker Cst. Shaun Kimball from the Woodstock Police Force. Topics include:
      • Becoming aware of and better protected against scams
      • Recognizing and preventing abuse against seniors and vulnerable adults
      • Detecting and protecting your children and grandchildren from Internet dangers
      • There will be opportunity for Q&As.
Pizza lunch provided. There is no charge, but free will donations will go towards lunch expenses. To help with planning, please RSVP by Monday, May 8 either by messaging us through Facebook, email at or phone at (506) 328-2369.  Activity will take place in the vestry (side entrance off parking lot). Our address is 113 Victoria Street.

Moving Forward – COVID Update

Two years ago we moved into a time of great change and uncertainty as the COVID-19 pandemic grabbed hold of the world.  Throughout this time we learned and re-learned how to live with it and avoid it.  We give thanks to God for guiding us through these times and for the immeasurable ways that God has provided to help us cope, serve, and stay well or heal.  In these times we saw compassion transcend isolation.  We experienced being the church in new ways.  We surprised ourselves with how quickly we adapted to new work and school environments. We established a new normal for our daily routines. We found new ways to comfort one another in times of grieving.

We know that we still must cope with COVID even in this new phase.  And we know that we must be intentional about encouraging and supporting one another as we move forward.  Everyone has been affected by COVID, whether they tested positive for the virus or not.  As we move forward, may God bless this world with healing and renewal.

What does this mean for St. Paul’s?

  • Masks are no longer required, but you are welcome to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable doing so. We should also be mindful that people may wear a mask still for different reasons (e.g., they feel more comfortable doing so; they have health issues; or their loved one may have health issues; it could be cold and flu season, etc.)
  • Proof of vaccination is no longer required.
  • Hand sanitizer will continue to be available throughout the building.
  • If you are feeling unwell or you test positive for Covid, we recommend you stay home.  According to Public Health, isolation is no longer required among the general public, but people are encouraged to stay home if they are sick.  Within vulnerable sectors, a five-day isolation period for anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is still recommended by Public Health.  We consider the church to be a vulnerable sector.
  • We will continue to live stream worship as we gather in-person for worship.  And Zoom will be available for those who wish to participate in meetings virtually instead of gathering in-person.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with me or an elder.


Rev. Wendy.

Ukrainian Medical Supplies – Update

Ukrainian Community of Fredericton Appeal – Update
March 21, 2022
Last week the Ukrainian Community of Fredericton and Moncton sent 8 suitcases of donated medical supplies (valued at $80,000) with a family returning to the Ukraine to serve in the military. In addition, 9 large pallets (5 from Fredericton and 4 from Saint John) of medical supplies and other humanitarian aid were shipped out.
We are grateful for the supplies donated from within the congregation, other congregations, and from residents of Woodstock and surrounding areas. Last Friday, supplies received to date at St. Paul’s were delivered to the Ukrainian Community of Fredericton’s collection point at Journey Church. They wish to extend their heartfelt thanks for your generosity.
In addition, we have also received approximately $600 in cash donations to date which is enabling us to purchase additional medical supplies to donate.
The Ukrainian Community of Fredericton continues to collect supplies.
This week donations can be dropped off at St. Paul’s on
March 23 – Wednesday 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
March 24 – Thursday 12-4 p.m., and
March 27 – Sunday 12-2 p.m.
You can also drop off donations at Avis Golding’s home (Avis is a member of St. Paul’s). Her address is 2266 Route 165 and her phone number is 328-8991.
Rev. Wendy MacWilliams
Minister, St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church
(506) 999-5031

Spring Prayers

A Reflective Prayer for the Spring Season

God of all time and space,

This weekend we concluded the winter season

with the arrival of spring.

We often associate the winter months

with shorter days, colder weather,

harsher conditions, and barrenness.

For Christians, we also think of the wilderness

as we begin our Lenten journey.

This winter season seemed a little darker too

with COVID, protests, inflation, other economic uncertainties,

and the invasion of Ukraine.

For some these months were filled

with more illness, aches and pains, and other health concerns.

And for others, this season was marked with good-byes

as a loved one or friend lived their last earthly season.

But, Lord, the winter months are also

a season of remembrance and reflection

as we turn the calendar pages from one year to the next,

as we conduct annual meetings

and give thanks for past blessings.

The winter months are also a time of rest

as we sleep a bit more,

as we veg a bit more,

as we take pause to give the fertile land a season of rest too,

as we engage in renewing pastimes and winter breaks,

as we resolve for better care of mind, body, and spirit.

We give you thanks for these gifts of rest.

The winter months are also a time of newness:

a new year,

a new semester,

new trails made by snowshoe, skis, and skidoos

exploring the wonders of your winter creations,

new drops of maple syrup exciting our tastebuds,

new cones of ice cream made from a fresh snowfall,

new memories made from winter getaways and March breaks.

We thank you for these gifts of newness.

The season of winter also fills us with dreams and hopes.

After a season of rest and renewal for the land and the plants,

we look forward to new growth.

After a season of pruning, and of rest,

of coping with harsher elements and uncertainties,

we look forward to transformation,

of being stronger and more vibrant.

After a season of planning, we look forward to realizing possibilities.

After a season of learning,

we look forward to graduating and the places we will go.

We give you thanks

for the gifts of tomorrow, of imagination, and make-believe.

The Scriptures teach us there is a season

for every activity under the heavens.

Gracious God, as our days grow longer,

so too may you shine your face longer on us.

In every activity under the heavens,

may we encounter your presence

and accept your gifts of goodness.

May sin be transformed with grace.

May conflict be transformed into peace.

May justice prevail over injustices.

May grief be embraced by comfort.

May illness be met with healing and wholeness.

May doubt find faith.

May loneliness find community.

May new relationships take root

and broken relationships be nurtured with forgiveness.

May disappointments be brightened by wisdom.

May that which is dark and ugly blossom in beauty.

May creation be filled with birth and re-birth.

And may your church experience renewal in ministry and mission.

Bring us together, young and old,

in unity and in love, in hope and in service.

Help us grow into our baptism and follow you faithfully

in all we say and do.

All-knowing God, you know the hopes and fears,

the words unsaid and emotions bound up

inside our very hearts and minds.

Holy Spirit, fill our broken yet hopeful spirit.

Lord Jesus, in your love, intercede for us, we pray.

Shine your face upon each of us,

and bless us according to your grace and wisdom.

In your love and mercy, renew our faith and our lives.

Prince of Peace,

In this season of spring,

we also plead for an end to war and oppression.

May weapons of war be transformed

into tools for tending your creation.

May ultimatums laced with violence be muted

by voices seeking peace and reconciliation.

May Putin’s demands that Ukraine surrender

be replaced with Putin

surrendering his will to yours.

May those in positions of power

position their ideals and values

in line with yours.

Bring beauty to where there is pain, God.

May ash and rubble be replaced with signs of rebuilding.

May the ground be planted

with bulbs, not bodies.

May infants, children, and people of all ages in war-torn areas

be given the chance to survive and thrive.

May cries of death in bombed out or makeshift maternity wards

be replaced with the cries of joy.

May theatres and art schools in Ukraine

be filled with creative arts once again,

instead of being scripted out

with bloodshed and despicable acts.

May the people of Ukraine be kept safe.

May refugees find safe haven.

May Russian soldiers standing down against Putin

find safe refuge from him.

May protesters against Putin’s evil be protected

from prison and his rallies.

Lord, deliver us from this time of trial.

May love once again show its power over death.

May your vision and power prevail.

This is your world, Creating, Redeeming and Sustaining God.

May we treat it, you, and each other

with sacred reverence.

Keep us all from dehumanizing and obliterating one another

knowingly and unknowingly.

Show us how to value, encourage and respect one another.

Keep us from lording ourselves over others.

Empower us to be the best possible people we can be,

according to your will and design.

May this new season


hope eternal,

peace divine,


love transforming,


grace upon grace.


(Written by Rev. Wendy)

A Prayer for International Women’s Day

Gracious God,
On this
International Women’s Day,
we celebrate the goodness
you have brought
into the world
in and through women
since the beginning of time.
We give thanks for the women who have
nurtured our very being,
showed us how to live,
taught us skills,
soothed our souls with music,
enriched our knowledge,
passed on traditions,
celebrated our scribbles and dirt creations as masterpieces,
helped shape our identity,
inspired us in faith,
fed our faith,
filled our hearts with joy,
comforted us in grief,
steadied us when our world was crumbling,
sheltered us from harm,
protected us in times of danger,
served as peacemakers in times of war and conflict,
advocated, fought for, and defended the rights of women,
broke glass ceilings, stigmas and stereotypes,
stood up against injustice and oppression,
shaped our economy and community
with their entrepreneurial spirit and heart for service,
empowered us to be more,
led by example,
taught us that celebrating women
is more than celebrating motherhood and marriage,
inspired us to dream,
motivated us to reach those dreams,
believed when we were unbelieving,
met us with grace in all circumstances.
In the beginning, you created women in your image.
And you blessed women.
Creating, redeeming, and sustaining God,
Continue to bless women, shaping them according to your will.
May wholeness be found
in the role you gave them first before any other role –
beloved child of God.
Where there is inequality, help women be valued.
Where women are silenced and oppressed,
give women a voice
and show us all again how to relate to one another in love.
Where women feel alone,
surround them with community and support.
Where women are feeling overwhelmed
by all the hats they wear,
help them find balance, strength, and rest in you.
May all the gifts you have knitted into their design
shine in and on creation, to your glory.
(C) Wendy MacWilliams
Prayer may be shared with others.
Picture:  Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

Lent Activity – Prayers in Motion

Prayers in Motion – A Lent Invitation from Rev. Wendy

 Ephesians 6: 18

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. 

With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Inspired by Rev. Anne’s prayer walks during Lent at Knox Harvey, I’d like to offer anyone who is interested to join me in a “Prayers in Motion” Lenten activity.

How does this work?

During Lent, I will offer different ideas, tips, prayer requests, sample prayers, Bible verses and inspirational quotes to help build your prayer life. Such posts will be made available on our website and Facebook page.  And I can also make handouts available too.  You can find these resources and verses under Prayerful Thoughts.

The idea is to pray while in motion.  You don’t need to stop and bow your head or even pray out loud.  Simply pray when you are on the move, whether you are out about the community walking, strolling the grocery store, walking from the car to a building, driving from point A to point B, doing some exercise, or traveling from room to room, and so on.

Praying in motion will help us become more aware or intentional about identifying and praying for people, situations and needs around us.  As we walk with God through ordinary activities, we will become more aware of Christ prompting us to intercede for others around us.

During your journey of Lent, keep track of how or where you’ve been praying (e.g., names of streets or buildings).  You may even want to count your steps or kilometres.  I encourage you to keep a journal of people that you pray for (even when you don’t know their names).

At the end of Lent, I would like to gather info from the prayers in motion participants and put a story of our prayer activity (for St. Paul’s and St. James combined).  It would be neat to discover how much territory and needs prayer can cover in just a short period of time and to affirm the power of prayer at work.

Note:  We won’t breach privacy. We won’t name names (unless you had permission).  We could describe prayer activity by relationship (e.g., family, friend, co-worker).  Or we could identify them by position (e.g., while pushing my shopping cart at Superstores, I prayed for the teenager stocking the shelves.  Or while I was walking on Main Street, I prayed for the police car passing by).  Alternatively, you might decide to pray each day for five people in the church directory and aim to pray your way through the directory by the end of the Lent season.  Or perhaps you pray for five homes or apartments each time you walk the street or hall.  You may choose to let people know that you are praying for them, although it’s not required.

How might you pray?  You could ponder a Bible verse.  You could pray for blessings on someone’s health, work, social life, emotions and spiritual life.  You may not know of specific needs, but God knows them.  You could simply pray the Lord’s Prayer or a familiar prayer.  You could pray your way through the newspaper, praying on people you read about or learn about on the news.

Prayers for Ukraine (updated regularly)

A Prayer shaped by Putin’s attack on Mariupol
(written by Rev. Wendy)
Creating, Redeeming, Sustaining God:
Children. Infants. Babies in utero.
In the days of Pharaoh,
some escaped his madness and evil ways.
And some did not.
Children. Infants. Babies in utero.
In the days of Herod,
some escaped his madness and evil ways.
And some did not.
Children. Infants. Babies in utero.
In these days,
some are escaping his madness and evil ways.
And some are not.
Putin is killing your precious miracles
with his evil ideology,
with his madness.
He is denying life in a myriad of forms.
When will this ever end?
When will we all say, “Enough!”
When will such atrocities stop?
You breathe life into bodies you created.
And for what?
For Putin to search them out in hospitals?
For Putin to leave them fighting for survival
under hospital rubble
in the bleak, frigid, winter’s night?
For Putin to put obstacles in their way
as their parents try to deliver them to safety?
For Putin to deny them the plans and hopes you have for them?
For Putin to have sick and dying children
in a hospice
spend their last days or weeks on earth
spewing lies on his behalf?
For Putin to take their breath away?
For Putin to deprive them of life?
Jesus said to let the children come to him.
But not in this way.
Not in this way.
Where is the witness of your church in Russia
against this evil?
How can Patriarch Kirill
stand silent
and not challenge Putin
as he tears lives apart
and destroys your creation?
In your mercy, Lord:
Give the church the words and courage to speak according to your will.
Give the Russian soldiers strength
to stand down.
Give police officers strength
to join protesters against this evil
instead of arresting and suppressing them.
Show Kirill and church leaders
how to lead your people
in love, peace, and in unity with the Spirit.
Grant political leaders wisdom
and show them the path
necessary to bring peace.
Lord, help those who have a voice to stand up
for what is good and righteous.
There is weeping and great mourning
in your world.
You know what it is to mourn.
You lost a child to a senseless death,
and in that great darkness,
You brought forth resurrection.
You saved and redeemed your people from the power of sin, evil and death.
God of the resurrection,
Please act.
Please intercede.
Please deliver.
Please protect.
May weeping be turned into tears of joy.
May healing of your creation come.
Transform any form of hatred, wickedness, greed, corruption, complacency, fear, or ignorance.
May the only thing that dies next
be the evil behaviour
causing so much suffering.


The Presbyterian Church in Canada – Prayers for Ukraine

A Message and a Prayer from the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia, Ukraine


A Prayer Written by Rev. Wendy While Thinking about the 40mile long Russian Convoy nearing Kyiv:

God of the wilderness journey,
You delivered Israel out of a forty-year wilderness wandering into the promised land.
You delivered Jesus from 40 days and 40 nights of temptation and dangers in the wilderness towards the glory of the Cross and resurrection.
40 days after you resurrected Jesus from and over death and delivered him from his tomb,
he ascended to heaven where he sits at your right hand.
There is a 40-mile-long Russian convoy nearing Kyiv.
You know each of those drivers, each of those passengers.
You knit each of them together in their mother’s womb.
Your breath breathed life into them. They were designed in your image.
You have plans for them to prosper.
This is not the way. This is not your desire for them.
Free them from the yoke that burdens them.
Free them to be bearers of peace, not bearers of brutality.
Deliver them towards a path of life and new beginnings.
You are the way, the truth, and the life, Lord Jesus.
Show them a different way.
Call them by name – beloved –
and not by their rank.
Give them courage to choose the path of life.
Steer them in the direction where your Light shines and goodness and mercy follow.
Veer them towards a sacred, transforming path, like you did for Paul on the road to Damascus.
Clear the path of any dangers and see both sides safely delivered to a place of rest and peace.
Redeem the horrors of this night and this war. Prevent the loss of more lives.
May your Kingdom come. May your will be done.
Lord, have mercy. Amen.

An Evening Prayer Written by Rev. Wendy:

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord Ukraine to keep…
Our act of sleep is physical need, but it is also an act of faith.
We close our eyes, trusting you will protect us in our slumber
and wake us after a night of rest.
And we are grateful for the new dawn that awaits us and the gifts we enjoy:
A bed to wake upon
A heated home
A home
Running water
Breakfast with loved ones
Freshly cleaned clothes to wear
Jobs to attend
Schools for learning
Many modes of transportation
to get us where we need to go
A health care system to tend to our wellness needs
The list could go on….
But there are people
who do not have such things.
There are people
who may not see a new dawn.
Comfort, comfort your people.
May your goodness and mercy follow
those in need, here and abroad.
May our compassion meet where need exists.
Lord, we give you thanks
for the glimpses of grace and glory
that help Ukraine persevere.
We give you thanks for signs of goodness
prevailing over evil.
Please continue to deliver Ukraine
to a new dawn.
Break the rod of their oppressor.
As the sun rises tomorrow,
so may peace rise over war,
so may Ukraine rise over Putin,
so may Russia rise up over his evil ways,
so may humanitarian efforts reach those in need,
so may families be one step closer to reunions,
so may lives be protected.
Lord, may your kingdom come.
Your will be done.

A Prayer of Assurance, Lament, Intercession, Thanksgiving and Hope Written by Rev. Wendy 

Almighty God,
We lay claim to those words of affirmation
Paul wrote to the Romans:
“I am convinced that
neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us
from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
May your love
revealed in Christ our Lord
draw near
to the evil, sin and brokenness
in this world today.
May your presence, love, wisdom and power
transform the hearts and minds of leaders
who rule by fear, corruption, oppression and violence.
May your light
reignite the light in us
that has been dimmed or extinguished
by complacency, fear, self-interest, or greed.
Make us sensitive and responsive to the suffering of others.
Forgive us for the harm we have caused
by the times we intentionally or ignorantly
put our own wellness first
at the cost of other people’s freedoms,
and even their lives.
Forgive us for our part
in the suffering of neighbours across the world.
Show us how to live in love, in word or in deed.
May your power continue to give strength
to those standing up against the evil invading Ukraine.
Compel us to take more action, according to your will.
Shatter the yoke that burdens Ukraine,
and people in Russia and Belarus
who oppose Putin
and want a peaceful and just world.
Let us see the wolf lie with the lamb.
Bring an end to the conquering of lands
and dehumanization, even obliteration, of people.
Transform your people
that we would all treat your earth
from the deepest of waters
to the highest of heavens
as holy, sacred space.
Comfort, comfort your people, God.
No child one moment be learning words to the sound of music,
the next moment,
have their ears deafened by the sounds of sirens and weapons.
No young person planning for proms, preparing for university,
or just starting out
should find their dreams on hold
so that they can learn how to load a rifle to defend themselves and country,
so that they might keep the freedom to grow old,
have a career,
and start a family.
No retired person should find
their days of adventure, rest and renewal,
replaced with taking up arms against the enemy,
and the potential loss of dreams
to grow old with their loved one
and see their children and grandchildren
live into their future and dreams.
No person planning a spring break one day,
should find themselves instead packing a bag
to be conscripted into service
or flee to another country for safety.
No person in hospital, in seniors home, or with mobility issues
should be paralyzed with fear
wondering if death is lurking around the corner by evil’s hand,
which they are powerless to prevent.
No person, young or old,
should ever have to discern the difference
between murder and justifiable killing.
No person, young or old, should ever fear
they might lose their life by another’s hand
or that they might take the life of another
by their own hand.
Comfort, comfort your people, God.
We know that you walk with people,
even in the shadow of death.
We affirm Christ died and Christ risen.
By the cross, love has prevailed over sin and evil.
By the cross, death has experienced death.
By the cross, your will prevails.
We have seen glimpses of your glory on the battleground.
We have seen people respond to the suffering of Ukraine.
We have seen not only Ukraine rise up against Putin,
but also Russians rising up against his evil ways.
We have seen men lay down their very lives to defend the freedom and lives of Ukraine.
We have seen people of faith rise up with praise and hymns of hope.
We have seen peace and healing and reconciliation in our time
in the face of sin, brokenness and evil.
Continue to come with power, Sovereign Lord.
May all the earth be reminded once again that your government and peace have no end.
May your reign of justice and righteousness increase our joy.
May the Light of the World shine in and through us all.
May your Kingdom come.
May your will be done.

Your Kingdom Come, O Lord (Written by Rev. Wendy)
Almighty, Creating, Redeeming God
We pray this day that
the world would continue to rise up
to compel Putin to stand down.
We pray Russian soldiers would rise up
and lay down their arms.
We pray Russian citizens would call out
for peace and justice
and show love for their neighbour.
We pray that your light would extinguish
the light in the skies
that are messengers
of oppression and death.
We pray that your followers in Russia
would have the courage
to boldly bear witness
to your sovereignty,
not Putin’s.
We pray for the safety of Ukraine,
those who stay
and those seeking refuge.
We pray for Ukraine’s leaders
and their families
who are being hunted down.
Protect them and give them strength.
We pray that the sacredness
of your creation
be protected,
not only in Russia and Ukraine,
but elsewhere in the world.
We remember before you
the Uyghurs and Taiwanese
and pray they be protected.
We pray for an end to bloodshed.
We pray for an end to tyranny.
We pray for hope.
Lord, have mercy.
May your kingdom come.
May your will be done.

The Unsilent Night (Written by Rev. Wendy)

It’s 4:15 a.m. It’s perfectly quiet here but for the soft snores of a dog in a deep sleep and the rush of the wind through the trees.

But elsewhere residents of Ukraine wake to the horrifying sounds of missile attacks.

Lord, have mercy.
Deliver this world from evil.
Prince of peace, divine physician:
Heal the brokenness in your creation.
Show us again
how to live as your faithful people
in the world you have enabled us
to be part of,
that your healing, life-giving light
would shine in and over
the darkness of this world,
actions rooted in hate, fear and lies,
and missiles and other weapons
hurting your people.
May your kingdom come.
May your will be done.