Our History

St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Woodstock, New Brunswick was formed in 1867; however, the congregation appears to have origins several decades earlier when a church was built by Presbyterians in the village of Upper Woodstock. This early church, called St. Andrew’s was built in 1838 and appears to have been linked with the Presbyterian Church in Richmond.

It was decided in 1867 that a new church would be built in the Town of Woodstock. The new church took several years to construct and was dedicated in 1872.

At the time of Church Union in 1925, the congregation voted to remain within The Presbyterian Church in Canada.  During the pastorate of Rev. Robert Ross, 1966-1977, a new manse was constructed and a Christian Education wing was added to the church.

For over 150 years St. Paul’s Presbyterian has sought faithfully to be a light on the hill in downtown Woodstock.