

Christian Education and Mission Team
This team has fun:
– Choosing mission projects
– Hosting outreach teas
– Helping the Minister with Bible study
– Dreaming of our Sunday school possibilities

Worship Team
This team has fun with:
– Coordinating our musicians
– Planning and decorating the Sanctuary
– Growing our “Community Sundays”!

Pastoral Care and Nurture Team
This team has fun with:
– Organizing opportunities for our Church family to get together!
– Visiting and Praying for people in special need
– Coordinating our Soup and Bun lunch teams

Board of Managers
Our Board has fun with:
– Caring for our place of Worship, our Church buildings and property
– Overseeing the congregational finances, following the budget set by the congregation at its annual meeting, paying expenses and managing our money with wisdom and integrity