Feedback from Creative Ministries Project at St. Giles Presbyterian Church

Dear Jon and the Synod,

Our sincerest thanks for the Synod Creative ministries funds. It will enable us to continue to bring the Good News to the children in our community. I am attaching a few pictures so that you can see how the children enjoy being here. As well, please see below an email that I received that speaks to the impact our VBC has had on at least one little one. In the interest of privacy I have omitted the little one’s name.


Pastor Cherie Inksetter and the Congregation of St. Giles



Last PD day my granddaughter XXXXX attended your Camp Everest and has been proclaiming the gospel every since. She has been talking about forgiveness, the power of prayer and conquering fears.. Today I took her to my Church (Knox Welland) where she goes with my frequently as her Mother works most Sundays. We welcome children at the Lord’s table but XXXXX has never shown an interest, nor did I think she was ready. Today she jumped up when Sunday School was called back into the service and held another adult’s hand and went up for communion (tinction today). Afterwards she told me that Jesus invites everyone to eat with him and He shares really good. Thanks Cherie and Lisa for lighting that spark. We will do our best (with His awesome help) to keep it shining brightly.



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