
Our weekly worship is shared among our three points. That means for some interesting scheduling. Please look at the home page for current worship times and places

Worship begins by sharing a confession of faith (like Living Faith or the Apostles Creed) and is followed by a contemporary anthem and prayer.

We love the old gospel tunes, but new songs, even songs that are just being written have their place in our worship as well. We hope you will come and sing a new song to the Lord with us.

Our service is scripture-centered, and we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper seasonally.

We share an offering, which we encourage as a tithe, but these gifts we share are the beginning of the blessings we share as we go to be the Church in the larger community.

As we conclude each worship fellowship on Sunday we share in a blessing the encourages the praise of God throughout our lives.

We hope you will also share this blessing with us.

We also seek for other occasions for worship and Gospel Praise services, Prayer services, and other recognition services are a part of our worship life.

Part of the PCCWeb network of churches