Driving Direction 交通資訊

多倫多安大略 M4L 2C4加拿大

31 Eastwood Road
Toronto ON

Phone: 416-778-9615


We are located on Eastwood Road, just east of Coxwell Avenue.

本會座落於 Eastwood Road上, Coxwell Avenue 向東第一個路口.

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By TTC: College Streetcar #506 east to Coxwell; Or from Coxwell Station, Coxwell Bus #22 south to Eastwood

搭乘 TTC: College 街車 #506 向東至 Coxwell; 或從 Coxwell Station 搭乘 Coxwell Bus #22 向南至Eastwood

By car from north: South on DVP, exit at Don Mills, east on O’Connor and south on Coxwell, then turn left on Eastwood.

從北邊開車: 由DVP南下至 Don Mills South 出口下, 接至 O’Connor 左轉向東行, 至 Coxwell 右轉向南行, 至 Eastwood 左轉即可看到本會 .

By car from west: East on QEW/Gardiner, continue east on Lakeshore, and north on Coxwell, then turn right on Eastwood.

從西邊開車: 由 QEW/Gardiner 向東行到 Lakeshore 下, 至 Coxwell 左轉向北行, 至 Eastwood 右轉即可看到本會 .

On Sundays, parking is available across the street in the parking lot.

星期天教會對面停車場可停車,若停No Frills的停車場,請先至No Frills購物,以免被開罰單.