
Ministry Group Opportunities

Hospitality and Congregational Life – A hospitality and congregational life group will look to a variety of activities all centered on inviting and welcoming the new members among us. This group will also be able to show its creativity by conducting outreach activities, sponsoring events that welcome new members, and promoting fellowship throughout the organization. This group will greet and welcome new members. This could be done in a variety of ways including via a telephone call, a home visit or even hosting a new member’s event. The hospitality group may be responsible at times for providing food and or beverages such as coffee after worship services and for other events and special occasions as may arise. This may be done at certain times in conjunction with the Women’s Auxiliary. In general this group will promote fellowship throughout the congregation by connecting members with each other and recruiting members to participate in congregational events while working in conjunction with the session. The ministry of hospitality is really about people creating an environment where new people feel welcome, where members and adherents feel that they belong and are valued; where we work together, worship together, care about one another, and socialize together.  Do you have a welcoming spirit? Then join us in this ministry of hospitality!

Mission and Outreach – The Mission Group’s objective is “to encourage members of the Church, and non-members, to be actively involved in the task of practical Christian witness and outreach”. This group will be tasked to nurture, facilitate and engage members and potential members of the congregation in identifying and committing their time, talents and treasures to West St. Andrew’s on an ongoing basis. Specific areas of interest will be discipleship and evangelism; mission education around Presbyterian World Service and Development and Presbyterians Sharing; social action and justice issues that may arise; ecumenical opportunities; outreach opportunities in the community; mission education studies and tours; projects and local, national and world mission awareness. People of all ages who want to encourage an atmosphere of community and involvement at West St. Andrew’s are welcome to join us.

Pastoral Care – The Pastoral Care Groups focus will be to attend to pastoral and spiritual needs and to provide opportunities for members to provide a Ministry of Pastoral Care to members of the congregation. Pastoral care is about connecting with people in a way that offers support and lets them know that we care about them. We are all involved in pastoral care…when we listen to someone who needs to talk, when we call or visit just to see how things are going, or when we offer rides or food to help someone going through a difficult period.  The Pastoral Care Group will try to facilitate support and care where and when it’s needed, whether it’s offering a prayer shawl, providing a ride to church, being part of the prayer chain, getting involved with a neighborhood group, sending flowers, sending a card, or having a visit.  We try to do all of these things in a way that respects people’s wishes for privacy. We invite anyone who after reading the above description, feels they would like to support West St. Andrew’s congregation in this way. Respecting confidentiality is a must.

Communications –This group will undertake communication to the congregation through a variety of mediums. A new web site, Face Book page, newsletters, signage, posters, bulletin boards and other creative ways of communicating that may become evident for promoting the mission and ministry of West St. Andrew’s are just some of the possibilities. This group will work with other groups within the church to prepare and maintain a calendar of events which will keep members and others informed of community goings-on.  Feeling creative? Join us! We’d love to hear your ideas!

Christian Education- This group will work to develop creative ways to learn about and praise God for our children, youth and adults. Areas of interest may include family life and faith, church camps, program development, leadership development and stewardship.

We welcome anyone, with open arms, who would like to contribute to the adult, youth or children’s spiritual development at West St. Andrew’s Church and in our community.


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