Our History

 Rev. Robert Milroy, freshly graduated from Knox College in Toronto, and was inducted as the first minister at the new St. Andrew’s Church on April 28, 1944.

In the 1960’s officially this church was renamed West St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.

The early begins were 18 young people in the Chetwood Street home of Mr. and Mrs. John Comrie on September 21, 1913 — a project supported by prominent members of the venerable Knox Church in downtown St. Catharines.

A building lot was donated by Miss Mary Wright on Pelham Road from funds donated by Knox Church Members.

The building was complete with the antique windows which were pulled from the walls of Knox to allow installation of new stained glass ones which were dedicated on Christmas Eve 1916 and 1917. More fundraising also came from the Andrew’s Ladies Aid.

The original building still stands although it might not be easy to spot. In 1950 a basement was dug beside the church and the building was lifted onto the new foundation.

In 1967 major structural changes were made. The sanctuary was lengthened, and a new entrance way built.  The new addition at the back of the church is the Christian Education area,  was named Symondson Hall in memory of Mr.  & Mrs. Sydney Symondson.

Although the church has undergone many structural changes through the years, the antique windows still remain along both sides of the sanctuary. These stain glass windows provide a tangible link with the beginnings of the Pelham Road Presbyterian congregation.

Further to our church growth Rev. Ruth Houtby was warmly welcomed back January 2014. She grew up in our Sunday school and was ordained in 1998. Her parents are prominent members of West St, Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.

So we continue grow. There are many stories that could be told but this is only a snap shot of a few things that have happened.

If you have any stories we may include in our history please forward your emails to our email address.

Going forward we will make new memories by reaching new milestones.

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