What We Believe

The triune God and the Bible

God is one God, yet revealed in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is the written revelation of who God is, and that the redemptive work was done by Jesus Christ on the Cross. It is important for us to gather weekly to worship the trinity God.

Worship, Baptism, and Communion 

Our worship service consists of four parts: gathering (Gather in God’s name), listening (Proclaim the Word of God), thanking (Give thanks to God), and going (Go to live missional life).

In worship we occasionally celebrate two Sacraments – Baptism and Holy Communion. Baptism is seen as a visible sign of God’s promise to God’s people, and can occur at any age in our church. The waters of Baptism symbolize refreshment, cleansing, new life, the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.

Holy Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper and Eucharist, is thanksgiving and a memorial of Christ’s life and death. It is important to regularly experience the Sacraments of Communion, so that we can proclaim the risen Christ and his New Covenant of new relationship between God and human beings. We believe that children are capable of the same childlike faith that Jesus required of adults, and by this, we invite children to be present at the Lord’s Table as members of the spiritual family.

Faith with Actions 

We believe that faith without deeds is dead (James 2:26). We value Jesus’ challenge to follow him (Luke 9:23) with love and the Good News as well as his Great Commission to us (Matthew 28:19) for evangelism in the world.

As a Presbyterian church we support the work of Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) as part of overseas mission and outreach.

In local Weyburn community, we are working together shoulder-to-shoulder with people from other denominations in various ways, such as the community hot meals of Happy Hour, food banks, and community projects.

Always Reforming

“Transformation” is one of the keywords in our ministry, that is, transformation both in individuals and in wider communities.  In the same way, we highly appreciate the motto Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda (Latin for “the Church was reformed and is always reforming”). Being aware of human fallibility and sinfulness, we believe that God is the source of reformation, and the church is to faithfully follow Jesus to do God’s reforming work. We are striving to be genuinely reformed in serving a living God and serving our neighbors.