The Work of the Kingdom

A small but mighty congregation serving God and our community.

In a time when the small, rural church is in great decline, Zion Presbyterian Church is one of few functioning, historic, rural churches in the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  The congregation is modest in number, but warm and strong in faith!  We worship together in a traditional Presbyterian style, but also enjoy some more modern hymns.  Worship is Christ-centered, and we are a Reformed Church – we hold to the tenets of the Reformation.


Senior’s and Retirees Luncheon – Once a month, for a meager $7.00 we host a meal for the seniors in our community.  Lunch is served at noon and usually includes a salad, main course and dessert.  At Christmas we serve a full course turkey dinner with two seating 11:30am and 12:30pm.  There is also a two-seating Easter lunch.  In the summer months of June, July and August we host a BBQ dinner.  All are welcome!

WMS – Zion is very fortunate in that it still has a strong Women’s Missionary Society group. Our ladies, with a few of the ladies from Jubilee, meet monthly to study the curriculum from the national church usually pertaining to women’s issues and missionary work that the Presbyterian Church is engaged in.  You can find out more here.

Hobby Club – This club  has been quite popular.  On Monday afternoons in the fall and winter the ladies of the church, (and some men!), get together to work on some of those projects you keep meaning to “get around to”.  What kind of work do they do?  Whether it is sewing, mending, knitting, scrap-booking, something to sort, crocheting or whatever else suits the fancy, there is always laughter, a warm cuppa tea or coffee, and joy.  New friends are always welcome!

Men’s Breakfast / Ministry Gathering Coming soon!  The Men’s Breakfast is under review and discussion by the session right now.  As soon as an update is available, it will be posted here!