September 6, 2020

With the Lord by my Side

Muskoka Lakes Ministry of Knox, Port Carling & Zion, Torrance
Sunday Sept 6, 2020
Sermon Series: The Ministry of Jesus
Message: With the Lord by my Side
Reverend Glynis Faith (705-765-3797) (

Lectio Divina Thursday evenings at 8pm via Zoom. If you would like to take part contact Rev. Faith to receive a Zoom invitation.
If you would like a ‘socially distant’ visit from the minister, please call or email to set up a day and time.
Presbytery of Barrie meets Tuesday evening
Isaiah 41:10-13

10 So do not be afraid. I am with you. Do not be terrified. I am your God.
I will make you strong and help you. I will hold you safe in my hands.
I always do what is right.
11 “All those who are angry with you will be put to shame.
And they will be dishonored.
Those who oppose you will be destroyed. And they will vanish.
12 You might search for your enemies. But you will not find them.
Those who go to war against you will completely disappear.
13 I am the LORD your God. I take hold of your right hand.
I say to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you.’

Mark 6:1-6a (NIV) A Prophet Without Honor
Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed.
“Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.

“With the Lord by My Side”

Many of you know I found my dog Skippy back in April. He is a joy and a delight and I am blessed to have his companionship. From the first night I brought him home, I repeatedly assure him that he is safe and that I am going to take care of him.
Since that day, I provide him with food and fresh water. He has toys and snacks. He has his own chair at home and in my office. I schedule regular walks with him and routine play time. He is a fraction of my size and yet I willingly relinquish ¾ of the bed. He is bathed regularly and rarely does he ever stay home by himself.
Yet despite my reassurances – despite the fact that he is well fed by my hand each day – despite all I provide for him and all the time I spend with him, Skippy is easily frightened.
Lots of things frighten him – noises – sudden movement – things that are new or things that have been moved from their normal spot. Lots of voices and large crowds. And you want to see how fast he can leap off my lap and race out of the room when I drop my pen or notepad on the floor (and since I tend to be clumsy, it happens more often than either of us would like) . He sees me pick up the broom and he hides in another room. When I am carrying papers, especially newspapers, he goes in the other direction. There is a runner along the porch, and when there is a strong wind it flips the end over. Every single time it happens, Skippy spots it and starts frantically pulling in the other direction. I don’t understand it, but he is terrified of it. Its okay flat, but not curled.
As someone who loves him and wants what is best for him, it is heartbreaking that he does not feel safe all the time, especially in his own home. I hope he will eventually put all the pieces of the puzzle together, realizing that I provide for his needs, take time to throw the ball and set off the sqeekers in his toys, and when I have the broom in my hand it is to sweep up all the bits of chewed sticks and teddy bear stuffing. I want him to know I am his safe place and that I will take care of him.
Although he still has fears, he has lost some of them. We can walk on a busy road without him cowering at the traffic sounds and he has gotten used to more people. He no longer runs at the sound of his food dishes touching the floor and the creaky bathroom door doesn’t send him running for cover.
So why am I telling you about Skippy?
Because we all have fears of one sort or another. Fear triggers our fight or flight response, our defense against potential dangers. But fear can also cause us to withdraw from things that benefit us, or run into things that harm us.
We all have fears, but we also have someone who loves us, provides for us, who wants to take our hand and lead us through whatever we face. Our Creator has promised to care for us and He asks us to face our fears and challenges trusting Him to stay by our side.
This is what God wants from us, for us to realize that He has provided for our needs, that He has our best interest at heart, that He loves us and wants to care for us, that He is our safe place and is always by our side to help us.
We can face a great deal in life when we have the encouragement and support of others. We can face even more when we have someone we trust to support us standing at our side.
That is the promise of God found in our reading from Isaiah – do not fear – do not be afraid – do not be terrified.
Because, I am with you – I am your God – I will make you strong and help you – I will hold you in my hands – I will do what is right – I will take hold of your right hand – I will help you.
This is the basis of Jesus’ ministry – having God by His side. Jesus faced all the same challenges and fears that you and I face, yet He remained rooted with the LORD at His side.
Consider for a moment - Jesus comes home and He begins to teach in the synagogue. Everyone is impressed – Jesus’ teachings are brilliant. But, of course, someone pipes in ‘who does he think he is? He is no better than the rest of us. How dare he come here thinking He has something to teach us.’
Criticism and rejection. None of us wants to be criticized, and we certainly don’t want to be rejected. People fear rejection – being cast out – unwanted. People fear the criticism of others – to not be taken seriously – mocked – the laughing stock of the neighbourhood.
But these things do not frazzle Jesus. They limit the miracles and healing He can offer the people, but they don’t hinder His ministry. Jesus continues His journey sharing the Good News with those who will listen.
Throughout His ministry Jesus faced constant criticism, yet He was not defeated by criticism and rejection. He knew the words from Isaiah’s prophecy – He knew He did not stand alone – He knew to let God take His right hand and guide Him, and because He trusted, Jesus was not defeated.
God was His comfort and support, and the Word of God, passed down through the prophets, gave Jesus the encouragement and defense against all fear to continue His ministry, despite the criticism and rejection of others.
You and I have this same assurance as we continue Christ’s earthly ministry, sharing the Good News and calling people into the love and grace of God.
It is not easy talking with people about our faith – we may face criticism – people may reject us and our beliefs. Jesus never said it would be easy. He did say, “I will be with you, even to the ends of the earth,” and He also promised us a comforter – the Holy Spirit.
Friends, like Skippy, we have certain fears. But the more time we spend with our Creator, the more we soak in His Word, the more we imitate Jesus and step out in faith to continue the ministry He prepared for us, the more confident we become in who we are and in Whose we are.
You are a child of God, and He will never leave you. You are loved and you are precious, and God has you firmly in His hands. You belong to God’s family – you are an heir with Christ – and Jesus walks with you. With the Lord by your side – you can face anything this world throws at you.
God wants the same thing for you that I want for Skippy – I want my little four-legged friend to know that he is important to me and that I am here for him no matter what. God want you to know that you are important to Him and that He is with you no matter what.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are the family of God – precious and loved by God, and we are called to share in the ministry Jesus began. Sure we have some fears, but we also have the Lord at our side to strengthen and guide us. All praise be to Almighty God. AMEN
