‘Ten Percent’

October 8, 2023
Numbers, numbers, numbers, charts, percentages, speed, mileage, number of ‘clicks’ to your destination, costs, debts, profits, discounts, votes, days til Christmas. Sometimes, it feels like we’re surrounded, as if all…

‘Party Holy!’

August 20, 2023
Rev. Miserable - not his real name - was called to a very large, very active west-end Toronto congregation in 1982 – a church of 900 on the roll &…
Has anyone watched the television sitcom, ‘Mom’, with Academy Award winner Alison Janney? She plays a recovering alcohol & drug addict trying to rebuild her life and develop a solid…
Ten years ago, I was very fortunate to be in India & Nepal with my brother & sister – my brother was the tour organizer. One of the highlights of…

‘The Wise Word’

July 16, 2023
Words of wisdom: “Don’t pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” - Bruce Lee. “Luck is a dividend of sweat; the more you…
It was Grade 13 - yes, I’m that old - and I had a spare period so I was getting some work done in the caf. Bob, president of the…
When my nephew was in high school - he’ll be 36 in August - he embarked on his own sociological study in downtown T.O, at the corner of Bay &…
A few years ago, there was a woman in my Mom’s congregation in Etobicoke whose husband passed onto glory just a few weeks before Thanksgiving. It was, of course, a…
Intro: Has anyone seen the movie, ‘Contact’, with Jodie Foster as a researcher of the universe, & Matthew McConaughey as a minister with whom she becomes acquainted. Having lost her…