A New Era

A New Era
After 30 years of pioneering ministry, Dr. Wasson retired for reasons of health in June of 1955. Once again, Calvin acted quickly, and gave the call to Rev. Douglas G. M. Herron who was inducted on September 13, 1956. For 30 years Rev. Douglas Herron, his wife, Helen, and their son, Timothy, contributed to the family atmosphere at Calvin. Dr. Herron (both Rev. Wasson and Rev. Herron received honourary Doctorate of Divinity degrees from Knox College), continued to act as the senior minister at Calvin until his retirement in 1985.

In 1967 Calvin’s Woman’s Association celebrated Canada’s Centennial by forming the Centennial Group for the new generation of women and their children. This group, full of energetic people expanded Calvin’s horizons through its association with the national church’s Women’s Missionary Society. The Church School continued to grow and evolve through these exciting times. At this time, as part of Calvin’s community outreach, it was decided that the manse would be donated for a half-way house for teenagers. Delisle House Youth Program operated out of the manse from 1970 to 2000.

In 1987 the call was given to Rev. Kendrick Borden, Calvin’s capable assistant minister at the time. Rev. Borden, his wife, Sibbie, and their two sons, Cal and Chris, brought a new flavour to Calvin’s community. Four years prior to being called by Calvin, Rev. Borden and his family had moved to Toronto from Atlanta, Georgia, so that he could pursue a doctoral degree at Knox College. Rev. Borden was called to Calgary in 2000, and Rev. Ian McDonald, was inducted at Calvin in February 2002.

The Present
Calvin’s unique character was recognized in 1973, when Calvin Presbyterian Church building was designated as a site of historical significance for its architectural design and features. The building is the site which serves as the centre for the congregation’s Christian witness to the larger community which surrounds it. Today, as in the earlier years of Calvin, there are many programs and outreach projects which enliven both the Calvin and Yonge/ St. Clair communities.

Calvin serves as a founding member of the Churches on the Hill, an ecumenical association of the nine churches found in the local community, contributes substantially in people, food and funds to the Churches-on-the-Hill Food Bank, the Habitat for Humanity Metro build, and the Evangel Hall Mission in downtown Toronto. The commitment of serving the community established by the founding generation of Calvin’s members continues today in the use of the church building for many community groups and in the continued Christian presence and witness of its congregation.

Past Chapter