

Calvin worships, along with the Deer Park United Congregation, weekly at 10:30am on Sundays. We are blessed with a fantastic choir, including 4 section leads and a large number of volunteer members, offering an eclectic selection of worship music throughout the year.

Calvin/Deer Park has a worship centre for children and we are delighted to have children in worship. The Young Children and Worship Program is based on the work of Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman. We have 4 trained storyteller/leaders for this program and a beautiful centre where the children are surrounded by the stories of the Bible and encouraged to wonder and respond. The program is designed for children 3-10. For more information, please follow this link: Children’s Ministry

The Calvin/Deer Park choir is comprised of volunteer singers and four paid section leads. The choir sings a variety of music.  It is always inspiring and new singers are always welcome as the choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7pm.

Calvin is also a member of the Churches-on-the-Hill Ministerial, an historical ecumenical association of the churches in the Yonge & St. Clair area. The churches jointly sponsor several events such as the annual canned food drive, World Day of Prayer and the Good Friday walk.

We have an active outreach committee. We provide a free Community Breakfast for anyone who wants a hot meal. The breakfast is served once a month on the Second Saturday of the month 8:00am – 9:45am.

We support Evangel Hall regularly.

We have an active Pastoral Care Team and offer Christian education opportunities for adults throughout the year.