Interim Moderator Rev. Robert Shaw B.A., M.Div.
April 14, 2019



Call to Worship
One: The journey has been long and sometimes very difficult.
All: During this Lenten journey we have seen miracles and mysteries.
One: Now the Lord comes to us in victory.
All: Jesus rides into Jerusalem and into our hearts.
One: Blessed is the One who comes in the Lord’s Name!
All: Hosanna in the highest. AMEN.

Hymn # 220 “My song is love unknown”

Prayer of Approach

Responsive Reading
Psalm 31: 9-16


Lenten Reading

Children’s Time

Hymn # 218 “Hosanna, loud hosanna”

Our Morning Prayer – Lord’s Prayer (trespasses)

Words of Assurance

We Bring Our Gifts to God: “An acceptable sacrifice, pleasing God”
Philippians 4:18

Doxology “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow”

Offertory Prayer

Isaiah 50: 4-9a
Luke 22:14 – 23:56
Philippians 2: 5-11

Hymn # 305 “God, who stretched”

Message “Cup of Suffering”

Closing Prayer and Prayer for the People

Hymn # 376 “Lord, the light of your love is shining”

The Benediction and God’s Blessing

Choral Response “Go Now in Peace” (Inside back cover of Hymn Book)


THANK YOU to Mr. Doug Gillard for leading our service today.

UPCOMING SERVICES: Rev. Shaw will be with us on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

BRUNCH TODAY: Everyone is invited to join us after the service for brunch and a time of fellowship.

HAPPY 95TH BIRTHDAY: Congratulations and best wishes to Allan MacDonald on his 95th birthday on April 10th.

GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 19TH: Please join us in Largie on Friday April 19th for the Good Friday service at 10:00am. Rev. Robert Shaw will conduct this special service. All welcome.

CRINAN WMS & LADIES AID BAKELESS BAKE SALE: The Crinan WMS & Ladies Aid are holding a Bakeless Bake Sale until April 28th. Donations will be received by Laura Kieraszewicz.

GILLARD FAMILY’S “PARTY IN THE PUB”: To be held at the Strathroy Legion on Saturday April 27th from 8:00 – 1:00am. Live music from Consequence Free, Route 66 and more. Donations to Strathroy Optimist Youth Band. Must be on the guest list by April 24th. See poster in lower hall.

PRESBYTERY OF LONDON: A wide open invitation is extended to all to come & experience a Presbytery of London (PCC) mission event on Saturday, May 4th, 2019.

The event, “Why Truth & Reconciliation Matters”, will be held at Chalmers Presbyterian Church, 342 Pond Mills Road, London between 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m.; registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Guidance from local Indigenous and PCC leaders will help us explore & experience healing and empowering through reconciliation.

A traditional First Nation’s lunch and daytime snacks are all included in the $15 per participant event fee. Email or telephone for reservation and/or questions:, 519-681-7242. Poster is on bulletin board in lower hall. Please see Lynda if you have any questions. Leading with Care Seminar with David Phillips from Presbyterian Church in Canada. Sat. Apr. 27, 2019, from 10:00 am -noon @ Chalmer’s Presbyterian Church 342 Pond Mills Road London.

This is open to all of those working with children, youth or vulnerable adults. (Sunday School teachers, Session Members) Please contact Lynda Drummelsmith if you are interested in attending so the number participating may be passed along.

VISITATION REQUESTS: If anyone would like a Pastoral visit from Wilma Boyce, please contact the session clerks or Wilma herself at 226-504-3224.