February 12, 2017

Love in Action – Week 2 – Show me your love

Passage: Jeremiah 1: 4-10; Psalm 136:1-9; 23-26; 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Do you like physics? I don’t know too much about physics but I remember how interesting it was to learn about the transformer that transforms electrical energy in a way where the frequency of the energy remains unchanged while the voltage and current usually change. It is a simple definition, but I remember how I loved the idea of a device that can transform energy.

Many times the love of Jesus Christ can transform our lives. Our love is still love but also a totally different love.

Today we have a well-known text from First Corinthians and a lesser-known text from Jeremiah. First Corinthians chapter 13 is a famous Biblical text for wedding ceremonies. Couples want to hear about this love, which is better and greater than anything else in this world, but after the wedding how many couples own this love?

First of all, to speak about love is easy if I want to use clichés. You know those romantic quotations that can bring tears into your eyes but a minute later you forget about love. There is no transformation, your life remains the same. You can be beautiful, you can have everything, but without the love of God, without that love which means everything in the Bible, you are nothing. In Hungary we call this First Corinthian chapter 13 the anthem of love. One time I heard a beautiful modern version of this. I tried to translate a couple of verses:

"I could be a wonderful speaker, like Martin Luther King Jr., and I could proclaim "I have a dream", but without love I will be like a destroyed church tower. I may have faith like Francis of Assisi or Martin Luther, I may work a lot for the church from early morning to late at night, but without love, I am nothing. Even if I am here at church every Sunday, and even from Monday to Saturday, and I read the Bible every day, and I can say the Lord’s Prayer thousands of times, without love, I am nothing.

Love is a trivial thing just like when somebody went into Jerusalem on a donkey. Love is a laughing stock just like when soldiers put a staff in somebody’s hand and a crown of thorns on his head. Love is lamb, similar to somebody who is praying for his torturers. Love is frail just like when somebody said: I am thirsty. Love is surprising just like when somebody addressed a grieving woman on Easter morning in the garden.

Love never fails. There is no expiry date on love. Love never will be boring like the yesterday’s newspaper.

But where there is worship, it will end. Where there are churches, they will cease. Where there is an ecumenical movement, it will be wiped out.

We don’t know many things, but we do know that one day we will sit at one table, and He will be everything in everything.

Because duty without love is moody. Responsibility without love is careless. Justice without love is strict. Knowledge without love is arrogant. Friendship without love is cold. Order without love is narrow-minded. Power without love is cruel. Ownership without love is stingy. Offering without love is hypocrisy. Religiousness without love is bigotry. Faith without love is fanatical. Life without love is meaningless.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Jesus."

It is at this point when you feel that it is hard to speak about real love. Because real Love gave his life for us. Real love was Jesus Christ himself who gave everything for us. So many times I feel that my words are too weak to express what is in my heart when I speak about Him. It is not easy to speak about love, like a sentimental virtue. This love will transform you. So please today, show me your love. This sermon is a love test. You can measure your love. I imagine that one day when I die, there will be a sign on my tombstone that says "she always preached about love". Because I know that without this love our lives are nothing, worthless. But Jesus can transform your life.

Do I need to preach this here at Kirkwall? We are the church with such a good atmosphere. Where it is good to be together. We have activities, outreach programs, mission projects, and all those activities that show how great Kirkwall is. But this is it? Is this a real transformation from God? And it is painful. First, you have to look at the Bible as a mirror and recognize where love is missing from your life. I have to do this every day and I can tell you this is not easy. Sometimes it is more painful because it is easy to notice other people’s sins than recognize your own. This is why we really need this transformation.

We can be here in Kirkwall without even recognizing others. But God wants to transform us. He wants to use us in this world, but first we have to know who we are, and first He has to do a little work with us. Sometimes this work is painful and hard, sometimes it causes lot of tears, but in the end you will be the most beautiful diamond on his crown.

Our Old Testament Bible story is a calling story; God tells Jeremiah:

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

But Jeremiah’s answer was: "I do not know how to speak; I am too young."

"Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.  Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord. "I have put my words in your mouth."

God is your creator. He was the One who chose you because that is why you are here. He wanted your existence. He formed you in your mother’s womb with his protecting love.

I want to be honest with you, I love reading the book of Isaiah but the life of Jeremiah sometimes scares me. If you have the time, please read his book. He struggled to go with the message of God. He had a hard life. And when I read his book I asked, is this the life of a man who was loved by God? But yes, this is the life. He lived a life for others.

You will go with the message of God to others when your life is in His hands. When we don’t want to play games anymore because life is too short, it will be better to name all the problems we have. Name them to God and let him transform our lives.

I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry,
All who dwell in dark and sin my hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright. Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send? Refrain: Here I am, Lord. Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.I will go, Lord, if you lead me.I will hold your people in my heart.

This hymn is a beautiful answer to our God.

Come Holy Spirit with your transforming power and change our hearts to be yours forever. Amen