General Information

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Grenfell

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Grenfell



Knox Presbyterian Church, Briercrest

St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Moose Jaw

St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church, Moose Jaw

Sermon website for St. Mark’s, Moose Jaw and Knox, Briercrest
Sermons by Lay Missionary, Barry Holtslander




St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Moosomin

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Moosomin



First Church folk enjoying a potluck supper together.

First Presbyterian Church, Regina

First Presbyterian Church, Regina


The people of Norman Kennedy Church and friends at Pastor Ronda Bosch’s 10th Anniversary Celebration

Norman Kennedy Presbyterian Church, Regina

Norman Kennedy Presbyterian Church, Regina


St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Swift Current

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Swift Current






Knox Presbyterian Church, Weyburn

Knox Presbyterian Church, WeyburnMunicipal Heritage Property


Knox Presbyterian Church, Whitewood

Knox Presbyterian Church, Whitewood



Grace Presbyterian Church, Yorkton

Grace Presbyterian Church, Yorkton



Bekevar Presbyterian Church, KiplingMunicipal Heritage Property

Bekevar Historic Church, Kipling