
Service time:  10:00 am

Pulpit Vacant at Present – Rev. Bob Quick, Associate Minister of St. Andrew’s, Lindsay, ON – Interim Moderator – (705) 324.4842 (Lindsay church #) or [email protected]

Family & Youth Pastor Shannon Shearer – (705) 879-3475


If you are in need of Pastoral Care during this time of Social Distancing contact Rev. Bob or Pastor Shannon Shearer using the above contact information or email [email protected] or [email protected].

Regular Events

Men’s group (ROMEOS) meets  every Wednesday morning at 10 am.

Bolsover Pine Group (AA meetings) Mondays @ 8pm

The JULIETTES group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm in the church hall.  All women are welcome.

Elaine Anderson is the go-to person that sends out cards to those in need of a warm snail-mail hug. Please contact her via phone, text or email if you know of someone that could use a card. 705.426.2119 or [email protected]


St. Andrew’s ministers to the Bolsover and Kirkfield area with a variety of ministry opportunities for all ages throughout the year.

10:00 am Sunday Worship
9:00 am Choir practice on Sundays