Rev. Michelle Yoon – Profile

My parents were faithful members of a local Presbyterian church in Seoul, Korea, and I could say that I was actively involved in church since I was born. It was their strong belief in God and their commitment to live out their faith day to day that provided me with a good example to follow. They showed me how to love and serve God, as Deuteronomy 5:6 states, “with all your heart, with all your soul and all your strength.”

When I was 14 years old, God called me and I became His servant. Five years later, I enrolled in a Bible college in Korea. During my summers, I went on mission trips to China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. At that time, I met amazing people (some of whom are my spiritual and lifelong friends and mentors), learned how to love other nations, and on how to pray for others. During these eye-opening experiences, I started to pray about my vision of studying overseas and of the next steps God had prepared for me.

After marrying and moving to Canada in 1993, I faced a challenging transition period during which I reflected deeply on my calling. Firstly, I realized that I did not need to plan out every detail in order to follow His calling. Instead, I decided to focus on walking the path God opened for me and to enjoy my daily life with Him. Secondly, I came to know for sure that God was specifically calling me to be a pastor.

My first academic program in Canada was an Early Childhood Education (ECE). Upon completion in 2006, I started working as a YMCA daycare teacher. During the ten years of my teaching career, I had been blessed in my many interactions with children and families. Specifically, I gained a great deal of practical
knowledge about communicating and caring for people from all backgrounds. While working as an ECE professional and studying at Tyndale University to earn my BA in Education, I also served as a children’s pastor in a Korean Canadian church in the GTA and later as a children’s ministry director for University
Presbyterian Church, a multicultural church located in the Jane and Finch community of Toronto.
These church ministry positions taught me how to be humble with people, how to incorporate inclusiveness in ministry, and how to actively seek various ways to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

After being called to Knox Presbyterian Church, Crieff as their half time minister in 2017, I had served at this church for nearly 51/2 years. I am always thankful that I have the privilege of serving this beautiful congregation. Every step and every detail—daycare teaching, children’s ministry, multicultural ministry, theological field placement, and academic studies—have demonstrated how God has guided me and prepared me for ministry. This is what stirs up sincere and humble praise in my heart, that God would use me as His servant for his church and his people.