Announcements July 5

Here’s “The Scoop” for this week

 Camp Keir 

Not too late to register at 
Favourite Hymn Selections
Everyone has a favourite hymn! 
Here’s your chance to have it sung in church. Pick one that speaks to your heart, or is a favourite, then pass along your selection to Rev Cheryl by writing down the title, which congregation, and leaving it in the offering plate.  When it fits with the scriptures it will be sung that Sunday in that church. 
Hunter River Community Fridge
The Community of Hunter River has a Community Fridge/Cupboard. If you have food to donate please do or if you know of someone in need please let them know. 
The fridge/cupboard is located beside the main entrance to the Hunter River Community Centre.

Prayer Time 

Prayer Time at Glasgow Road Church Hall Monday mornings at 9:30 a.m.

All are Welcome!

Upcoming Services                                 

Sunday, July 7th – 10:00 am – Brookfield

Sunday, July 14th – 10:00 am – Hunter River

Sunday, July 21st – 10:00 am – Glasgow Road

Sunday, July 28th – 10:00 am – Brookfield

– Prayer List

– Please Pray for the family of the late Joyce MacPhee and keep the family, especially Sarah and Rev. Mark, in your thoughts and Prayers as they grieve the loss of a wife, Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.

– Please Pray for Glendon MacVicar, Rita MacRae’s brother, who is battling heart problems. 

An update on Glendon…after 2 months of many ups and serious downs Glendon has had successful heart surgery today! Not sure how long recovery will take but he made it!!

Thanks to everyone for holding him up in prayer.
God has answered!
  Please Pray for Dave Zayonc (Rev. Cheryl’s brother-in-law who lives in Vancouver).

– Please Pray for Rev. Cathy Kay.

– Please Pray for Gladys MacPhee. 

– Please Pray for Angus MacLeod. 

– Birthdays 

  July 8th…Penny Sentner

         10th…Randy MacLeod 


 – Anniversaries 

 None this week.