
Are you engaging in a personal trial this Lenten season?

Have you given up something?

Have you taken on a new responsibility?

What is your trial of faith?

Do you feel the need of support and encouragement?

Many people act as though our personal trials of faith are meant to be solitary exercises, and personal struggles. Yet while we are driven by the Spirit to encounter and recognize our personal weakness, and to know our own personal limits, we should also have joy in knowing that we are called to a fellowship of faith were our weaknesses, and our need for forgiveness and love is met with other people’s trials.

Your struggles are your own, but your transforming journey is meant to include others who – like you – are seeking the same sort of answers that you are.

This lent, we encourage you to look around you and recognize the support that God has placed in your life so that even though you encounter trial, you do so knowing that God has given you strength to get through times of trial.

Please see Lenten & Easter sermon series on the Epistle of James titled –

Courageous Steps

{February 26th, March 4th, March 11th, March 18th, March 25th}

{April 1st(Palm Sunday) & April 8th(Easter Sunday)}





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