
Interim Moderator Rev Charles Cook

600 Coverdale Road,
Riverview, NB, E1B 3K6

Phone                                     506-386-6254


email –

Our Facebook Group Page

Or follow us on Twitter

Joint Secretary of Session: Mrs. Jessie Kelly 506-523-9686
Elder of Session St. Andrew’s, Clairville: Mrs. Connie Agnew 506-523-1254
Clerk of Session St. James’, Beersville: Mr. Jim Cail 506-523-9357
Clerk of Session St. Mark’s, Bass River: Ms. Willah Ryan 506-785-4479
Clerk of Session Zion, West Branch: Mr. Leslie Cail 506-785-2245

Our Treasurers – We are thankful for having dedicated treasurers in each pastoral charge as well a central treasurer to manage our financial obligations. if you have questions or would like to make a contribution please contact any of the following.

St. Andrew’s  – Tanya Ryan 785-6696

St. Mark’s  – Willah Ryan 785-4479

St. James  – David/Shelley Cail 785-4323

Zion – Bonar Morton 785-4490

Central Treasurer – Winnie Wilson 523-6185

Missioning in Kent County, New Brunswick