Respond With Us! Typhoon Haiyan Philippines & Vietnam

PWS&D is Responding to Devastation in the Aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan

On Friday November 8th, the strongest typhoon to ever hit land slammed into the central Philippines. Weakened, but still powerful, it made landfall in Vietnam on Monday, November 11th.

Current estimates are saying that over 10,000 people have been killed in Tacloban City, Philippines alone. Hundreds of thousands have been forced out of their homes. Power and communications lines were knocked out across the region. Widespread destruction has made it difficult to determine the full extent of the casualties and damage.

Presbyterian World Service & Development partners Church World Service-Asia/Pacific and ACT Alliance are on the ground, working hard to assess the damage and determine the needs in response to this enormous disaster. PWS&D’s response will support the immediate needs of those most affected. Essential food and non-food items, including shelter and hygiene materials, will be provided as quickly as possible.

Many in the area are dependent on agriculture and aqua-culture for survival and their livelihoods will be impacted significantly. Over the longer-term, PWS&D and partners will work with those whose livelihoods have been affected by the typhoon.

*The Government of Canada announced that it would match all donations for Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts. To be eligible for the match, donations must be made between November 9 and December 9, 2013.

Respond With Us!

PWS&D needs your support to respond to Typhoon Haiyan.

Your financial support will help bring relief to those suffering after this devastating disaster. You can make a donation to PWS&D through your church, mail a cheque to the office, donate online or call 1-800-619-7301 ext. 291. Please mark all donations at “Typhoon Haiyan Relief.” Please give today.

Please note: To be eligible for matching funds, donations must be made by
December 9. Also, if your church sends in one lump-sum cheque to PWS&D from individuals, please also submit a list of names of the donors and the amount of their donation. This list is necessary documentation for PWS&D’s attestation to the Canadian government for the matching fund program. Please send the list by mail or e-mail to Laura Fenwick.

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