Services of Worship

Each week we celebrate our growing heritage as a welcoming community and family of faith.


 – Sermons at the bottom of this page

IMG-20130421-00230Our worship begins with welcome and contemporary call that we sing together. The service, while conducted by our minister or visiting worship leader, is led by God’s Spirit; our Lord is with us.

The service is for the most part  a ‘traditional’ worship, but we are very open to contemporary additions from time to time, sharing gifts of song or perhaps a touching reading, and some special worship events as well.
There is ALWAYS a children’s story, as we are all children of God.IMG_0912

God’s word is central, and the prayers and praise are designed to highlight the scripture readings and our reflection in the sermon. Rev. Sutherland is keen to make sure God word is relevant, and speaks to life’s experience, and is always available to explain hard to understand parts of scripture.

We we close the Sunday worship with a dismissal encouraging us to look for ways to serve and worship God each and every day.

We use all of our buildings for worship and so we alternate back and forth every second Sunday. Our events calendar list the time and place for each week’s service.

If you are looking to arrange a special service please use the following links:

Weddings Services

Funeral Services and Memorials

Family Celebrations

If you missed our worship service recently, here are notes and excerpts from our worship services (some of these are incomplete notes).


Services and sermons prior to 2017

This page is regularly updated


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Missioning in Kent County, New Brunswick