
Dear friends,

Welcome to our website!  Thank you for taking the time to find us.  We are a warm, inclusive and curious community of faith and we are always happy to have new folks join us on the journey of faith, justice, meaning and hope.  We know you bring unique gifts and we would love to get to know you.

We are celebrating Holy Week this week and all are welcome to join in any of our services:


 Palm Sunday, March 24, 10:30am

Our children will lead us in song and we will join a palm procession at our worship service to mark Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem at the start of Holy Week.  Our service will also feature a spectacular piece from South Africa called “Idodana” by our adult choir.  The Worship Centre is open for children ages 4 and up.

Maundy Thursday, March 28th 6pm 

The final Thursday in Lent, when many Christians commemorate Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet and his giving of Holy Communion to his disciples. Maundy Thursday comes from a Latin word meaning “to command”, recalling Jesus’ commandment to “love one another.” This service of worship begins with a simple meal served in the Geneva Room. It is around the table that Jesus shared his last supper with his disciples. So we too will share communion around our tables and retell the story of that sacred night. We will journey through a hand-washing ritual to the sanctuary where we will remember Jesus’ prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Good Friday, March 29th

10:30 a.m.   A beautiful service to contemplate the death of Christ and the depths of the Good Friday mystery.  We cannot truly experience the joy of Easter until we spend some time together on Friday.  The choir is preparing some special music.  We encourage you to make Good Friday a priority this year.

Noon-2:30pm  The Churches on the Hill Ecumenical Cross Walk begins at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Roman Catholic Church. Walkers follow the cross to Yorkminster Park Baptist, Christ Church Deer Park Anglican, Calvin/Deer Park (~1pm)  and conclude at Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church where we will join the walkers from the west side of our ministerial, bearing witness to the journey of the cross in our area of Toronto.

Easter Sunday, March 31st 10:30am

We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and God’s victory over death and what that means for us today!  We will gather at the Lord’s Table.  A brass quintet will join with our choir,  voices will soar and the sanctuary will be dressed in beauty!

Our Sunday worship service is at 10:30am.

If you are interested in children’s programming, opportunities to sing, serving meals to those who struggle with food insecurity or are looking for fellowship or study, come and talk with us or drop us an email!

We appreciate all our volunteers and those who have donated to the church.  Thank you! Your generosity allows Calvin/Deer Park to flourish in this neighbourhood.  Donations can be made by cheque/cash, e-transfer (contact the Church Office) or CanadaHelps (on our donate page). Tax receipts are available for donations.

We are also continuing to share current events for the church, please email office@calvinchurchtoronto.com to get on our mailing list.

Calvin Presbyterian is located one block northwest of Yonge and St. Clair Ave. in Toronto. We share in a Ecumenical Shared Ministry with Deer Park United Church

We worship together, share in ministry and serve God together. We are two distinct congregations that share a history, a neighbourhood, worship services and one Lord and Saviour whom we worship and trust. Our congregation seeks to live out Jesus’s commandment to love our God with our hearts, minds and spirits and to love our neighbour as ourselves. Our cooperation is unique and we rejoice and take strength in the words written to the faithful at Ephesus: “one faith, one hope, one baptism.” Ephesians 4:5