Category: tutorial

  • Getting Started with Sermon Manager

    Learn how to get started using the Sermon Manager to list your current sermons in both audio and text format. Further to that you can display related scriptures and ministers delivering the sermon.

  • Quick and easy web-based image editing with

    Pixlr is a fantastic way to quickly and easily perform basic editing on a digital photo.

  • Registering a custom domain name

    You can purchase a custom domain name for your website through a domain name registrar. There are many different registrars out there, but to make this process as easy as possible for you we recommend All of our domains are registered through them simply for the following reasons. They have: An easy to use…

  • Looking at inputting text

    Inputting text, especially when pasting from Microsoft Word, can sometimes give unexpected and inconsistent results. The crux of this is as follows: Avoid copying text from MS Word. If you have to, you can try using the ‘Paste as text’ feature (see screen capture below), which should work most of the time, but not always:…