Community Presbyterian Church Choir
The choir members of Carleton Place Presbyterian Church and Almonte Presbyterian Church have combined to form the new Community Presbyterian Church Choir. This is a dedicated group of singers who provide performances of inspirational sacred music which add greatly to our worship services, no matter what our numbers. We perform old favourites and new anthems in our church services throughout the year, with special focus on the Easter, Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas seasons.
We are always looking for new members (all singing parts) to join our choir. Practices take place on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. There are no Wednesday afternoon practices during the summer. Anyone who is unable to attend the Wednesday practices can rehearse before Sunday morning worship services around 9:25 a.m. . No auditions are required, just a love of music. It is not necessary to be able to read music, but that is definitely an added bonus if you have that skill. If you are interested, please contact the organist/choir director, Susan McCuan-Harron, at 613-257-9062.
Community Presbyterian Church Choir Report – 2023
It has been wonderful to be able to fully resume normal choir activities during our worship services this year. We are truly blessed to have such faithful choir members, who inspire everyone with their uplifting anthems, no matter their numbers.
A special thank you to George Stewart for leading the music portion of our worship service when Susan was visiting with family. We are also very grateful to Dai Bassett who not only adds his wonderful voice to our regular Sunday Services in group anthems and in solos but has also impressed us with his previously unknown organ playing skills.
The piano has continued to be used before worship to offer some variety to the musical styles during the service. The choir gathered around the piano during Advent service to join with the congregation in singing carols.
The choir has stepped up during the time without a full-time minister to welcome and work alongside a variety of worship leaders.
Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord!
– Submitted by Susan McCuan-Harron
2023 Choir Members
Beverly Blais, Jean Shorten, Helen Van Pelt, Donna Castonguay, Peter Boomgaardt, Paul Castonguay, Dai Bassett, Steve Impey,
Organist/Choir director – Susan McCuan-Harron