Interim Moderator Rev. Robert Shaw B.A., M.Div.
April 15, 2018

Welcome Announcements

Call to Worship
One: We are called to be God’s children.
All: God’s love has been poured on us through Jesus Christ!
One: Fear and doubt are gone!
All: Joy and Celebration ring in our hearts!
One: Come, let us raise our voices in song!
All: Let us offer our hearts and souls to God in prayer and praise. Amen.

Hymn # 674 “In the bulb there is a flower”

Prayer of Approach

Words of Assurance

Responsive Reading: Psalm 4


Children’s Time

Hymn # 258 “Thine be the Glory”

Our Morning Prayer – Lord’s Prayer (trespasses)

We Bring Our Gifts to God:
“An acceptable sacrifice, pleasing God”.
Philippians 4:18

Doxology: “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow”

Offertory Prayer

Acts 3: 12 – 19
1 John 3: 1 – 7
Luke 24: 35 – 48

Hymn # 675 “Precious Lord take my hand”


Hymn # 490 “God of grace, and God of Glory”

Closing Prayer and Prayer for the People

Benediction and God’s Blessing

Choral Response: “Go Now in Peace” (inside back cover of Hymn Book)


THANK YOU to Doug Gillard for leading us in worship this morning.

UPCOMING SERVICES: Mr. Doug Gillard will be supplying the pulpit April 22 and during the month of May.

CRINAN BAKELESS BAKE SALE: The Crinan Ladies’ Aid is holding a Bakeless Bake Sale throughout March and April. Place donations in an envelope marked with your name and return to Sharon Gilchrist by April 29th. Thank you.

BULLETIN SECRETARY CHANGE: Ruth Howard will resume the position of Bulletin Secretary on Sunday May 6th. Please have information for the bulletin to her by noon on the Wednesday prior to the Sunday service.

LARGIE ANNUAL SPRING BEEF SUPPER: Will be held on Thursday April 19th from 5 – 7pm. The cost is Adults $15.00 and children 6-12 $5.00. Children 5 and under are free. Pre-ordered take-outs are available. (Please see poster in lower hall).

APRIL 29TH MISSION AWARENESS SUNDAY: The Ladies from Crinan and Largie will be conducting the Services in their respective Churches with food and fellowship to follow. In Crinan there will be a coffee hour following the service. In Largie we will have a Potluck Lunch after the service.

CRINAN COMMUNITY CENTRE QUIZ NIGHT: A Quiz Night will be held at the Crinan Community Centre on Friday April 17th at 7:00pm. Four or five people at a table for $100.00. Proceeds are for the Crinan Community Centre. To register contact Rob Tait at 519-318-2773.