Interim Moderator Rev. Robert Shaw B.A., M.Div.
March 10, 2019



Call to Worship
One: For some of us, it was tempting to “sleep in” this morning.
All: But God has called us to this place, to hear God’s word, to open our hearts in prayer and praise, and to seek direction for our lives.
One: There are many temptations placed in front of us. We are called to be strong and place our trust in God.
All: God is always faithful to us, comforting, guiding, lifting us.

Hymn # 814 “Morning has broken”

Prayer of Approach

Responsive Reading

Psalm 91: 1-2, 9-16 L # 424 C # 480


Children’s Time

Hymn # 461 “Be thou my vision”

Our Morning Prayer – Lord’s Prayer (trespasses)

Words of Assurance

We Bring Our Gifts to God: “An acceptable sacrifice, pleasing God”
Philippians 4:18

Doxology “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow”

Offertory Prayer


Deuteronomy 26:1-11 L # 143 C # 159
Luke 4:1-13 L # 727 C # 834
Romans 10: 8b – 13 L # 802 C # 918

Hymn # 471 “We are one in the Spirit”


Closing Prayer and Prayer for the People

Hymn # 410 “Joyful, joyful we adore you”

The Benediction and God’s Blessing

Choral Response “Go Now in Peace” (Inside back cover of Hymn Book)


THANK YOU to Mr. Doug Gillard for leading our service today.

UPCOMING SERVICES: Mr. Doug Gillard will be our pulpit supply for March 17, 24 and 31 as well as April 4 & 14. Rev. Shaw will be with us on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

OUR SYMPAYHY: Is extended to the friends and family of Tina Weits who passed away on Saturday March 2.

CONGRATULATIONS: We have 2 new babies as part of our church family. Carol (McMillan) and Michael Ganhadeiro welcomed Caleb Michael into the world on February 21st. Grandparents are Kevin and Janith McMillan. Brittany (Bint) and Dane Freeman have added their third son Dax Emmett on February 25th Grandparents are Sandra and Paul Whittman, Great Grandma Ella McWilliam.

LARGIE WMS & LADIES AID: Will meet on Monday March 11th at 8:00pm.The topic is “World Day of Prayer”. The roll call is “A Sentence Prayer”. The committee is Lynd Drummelsmith and Jackie Leitch. Lunch committee is Ella McWilliam and Janith McMillan.

CRINAN WMS & LADIES AID BAKELESS BAKE SALE: The Crinan WMS & Ladies Aid are holding a Bakeless Bake Sale through March until April 28th. Donations will be received by Laura Kieraszewicz.

QUIZ NIGHT AT THE CRINAN COMMUNITY CENTRE: A Quiz Night will be held at the Crinan Community Centre on April 5th at 7:00pm. Cost is $100.00 for a team of 4-6 people. Prizes and snacks will be provided. Proceeds will go to Hall Improvements. Call Rob Tail at 519-318-2773 to register your team.

TUPPERWARE FUNDRAISER: The Largie Sunday School is hosting a Tupper Fundraiser. This is a different type of Tupperware event where there is no specific party but a special book with some great offers. Some items are only offered in this special book. 40% of the purchase cost goes to the Church.
Books are available from any Sunday School teacher and your support is appreciated. Orders will be taken until April 26 with delivery in early May.

LAST CHANCE FOR TICKETS FOR A NIGHT IN SCOTLAND: This event will be held on Saturday March 16th at 7:00pm at WEDS. The evening includes pipes and drums, dancers a story teller and Scottish snacks. New this year is Scottish entertainer, Bob Finlay. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased from Ron or Barb Ross.

VISITATION REQUESTS: If anyone would like a Pastoral visit from Wilma Boyce, please contact the session clerks or Wilma herself at 226-504-3224.