Interim Moderator Rev. Robert Shaw B.A., M.Div.
July 14, 2019

Welcome & Announcements

Call to Worship
One: Who is my neighbour?
All: The righteous and the unrighteous, the just and the wicked.
One: Who else is my neighbour?
All: The rich and the poor, the weak and the strong.
One: Is anyone else my neighbour?
All: The great and the small, the arrogant and the humble.
One: They are no different than I am!
All: You must love your neighbour as yourself!

Hymn # 577 “God of grace and God of glory”

Prayer of Approach

Responsive Reading: Psalm 82 p. #420


Children’s Time

Hymn # 736 “For the healing of the nations”

Our Morning Prayer – Lord’s Prayer (trespasses)

Words of Assurance

We Bring Our Gifts to God: “An acceptable sacrifice, pleasing God”.
Philippians 4:18

Doxology: “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow”

Offertory Prayer

Amos 7: 7-17 p.#651
Luke 10: 25-37 p.#735
Colossians 1: 1-14 p.#833

Hymn # 500 “Open my eyes, that I may see”

Message: Who is My Neighbour?

Closing Prayer and Prayer for the People

Hymn # 648 “I’m gonna live so God can use me”

Benediction and God’s Blessing

Choral Response: “Go Now in Peace” (inside back cover of Hymn Book)


THANK YOU to Doug & Kathy Gillard for leading us in worship today.

SUMMER SERVICES will be joint and will begin at 10:00 a.m.
Next Sunday, July 21, the service will be in Largie with Doug Gillard as speaker. There will be no services on July 28 and Aug. 4.

During the remainder of August, services will be in Crinan with Mrs. Margaret McGugan on Aug. 11 and 18 and with Rev. Les Files as speaker on Aug. 25.

COFFEE HOUR: There will be a coffee hour after church today. Everyone is invited to stay for a time of fellowship following the morning service.

VISITATION REQUESTS: If anyone would like a Pastoral visit from Wilma Boyce, please contact the session clerks or Wilma herself at 226-504-3224.