
History of Duff Presbyterian Church

The congregation of Duff church was first established in 1855. It was founded by Scottish immigrants who settled in this area, beginning in the 1840’s. The first church building was located on lot 14 concession 2, about 800 feet north of the present building. It consisted of a frame structure built close to the road with a wide veranda across the front so that worshippers could dismount from their butties directly on to the church steps. Adjoining the church building was a small plot of land reserved for the use as a cemetery. Tombstones erected at the site record the names of about 35 persons buried there. Although the last interment took place in the late 1880’s, the grounds and stones are maintained by the present congregation.

Forty years after the first building was erected the community grew and developed. The church congregation also was growing steadily and numbered about 90 communicants. As the original church building had become inadequate to serve a growing congregation a new structure was erected in 1895. This is the edifice which presently serves this congregation. The church manse was built in 1901. Both the church and manse were hooked up to municipal water in 2001. Duff is part of a 2 point charge with Argyle Crinan. These congregations became a 2 point charge in 1926 after the church Union debate in 1925, when they opted to remain in the Presbyterian fold. Duff and Argyle celebrated their 90 year Anniversary in the fall of 2016. During both WWI and WWII men and women from Duff congregation served in the armed forces and several made the supreme sacrifice. Family members of the current congregations continue to serve with the Canadian Forces.

Church Interior

Prior to 2000 a new floor and kitchen facilities were installed in the basement as well as updated lighting. A PA system is used in the sanctuary of the church. Although the demographics, ages and numbers have changed within the congregation, they continue to work together in various activities – from church suppers, Sunday School programs, special worship services and fundraisers. It is the hope and prayer of the congregation that God, who has sustained them through all the years, will continue to guide and direct them as they continue as a congregation in the years to come.