Interim Moderator Rev. Michael (Mike) Burns

Mr. Doug Gillard Worship Leader

March 8, 2020

2nd Sunday in Lent

Welcome & Announcements 

Call to Worship
One: Into the challenges and questions life raises comes the Mystery of God,
All: and truth opens our eyes
One: Into our traditions and conclusions blows the wind of the Spirit,
All: and the church is renewed.
One: Into our routines and rituals walks the presence of Christ,
All: and God’s people are born again.
One: We stand in awe as we seek to encounter again God’s grace and glory.
All: Let the journey begin. Let us worship God.

Hymn # 625 “Seek ye first”

Prayer of Approach

Responsive Reading: Psalm 121


Lenten Reading

Children’s Time

Hymn # 399 “Spirit, spirit of gentleness”

Our Morning Prayer 

Words of Assurance

We Bring Our Gifts to God: “An acceptable sacrifice, pleasing God”.
Philippians 4:18

Doxology: “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow”

Offertory Prayer

Genesis 12: 1 – 4
Romans 4: 1 – 5, 13 – 17
John 3: 1 – 17 or Matthew 17: 1 – 9

Hymn # 350 “To God be the glory”

Message: “Bless You”

Closing Prayer and Prayer for the People

Hymn# 755 “Go ye, go ye into the world”

Benediction and God’s Blessing

Choral Response: “Go Now in Peace” (inside back cover of Hymn Book)


LARGIE WMS & LADIES AID: Will meet on Monday March 9th at 8:00pm. The topic is Prayer. The Roll call is to Name a Group or Mission to pray for. The Committee is Lynda Drummelsmith & Jackie Leitch and the lunch committee is Barb Ross and Dorothy McCallum

GOT AN ITCH TO ACT? We are doing a skit on Palm Sunday. Anyone interested in performing can contact Barb Ross. No previous experience needed.

COWBOY CHURCH: Will be held at Know St. Andrews in Dutton on Sunday March 29th. Special music begins at 10:15 with the service beginning at 10:30. This will be a casual service with special Country Gospel Music. Lunch is provided.

THE GILLARD FAMILY’S “PARTY IN THE PUB” Will be held in partnership with the Music Spot on April 24th at the Royal Canadian Legion in Strathroy, 226 Metcalfe St. W. Cost is a $10.00 donation. Live music from Consequence Free from 8:00pm until Midnight. Please RVSP to Doug. Proceeds to local charity.

VISITATION REQUESTS: If anyone would like a Pastoral visit from Wilma Boyce, please contact the session clerks or Wilma herself at 226-504-3224.