Interim Moderator Rev. Robert Shaw B.A., M.Div.
June 24, 2018

Welcome and Announcements – Barb

Call to Worship – Psalm 149 – Ian

Leader: Hallelujah! Sing to God a brand new song!
All: Praise God in the company of those who love Him!
Leader: Let God’s people celebrate their Sovereign Creator and praise His name with music and dance
All: For God is here among us, and He delights to hear our praise!

Opening Prayer – Maggie

Special Music – Consequence Free

Skit – “God’s Voice Mail” – Scene 1

Hymn – “I Saw the Light” – #6

Psalm 66:1-4 – Carrie
Matthew 25:14-30 – Carrie

Special Music – Consequence Free

Skit – “God’s Voice Mail” – Scene 2 and 3

Children’s Time – “Don’t Bury Your Talent” – Marguerite

Special Music – Michael Ray

Hymn – “I’ve Been Redeemed” – #7

Skit – “God’s Voice Mail” – Scene 4

Offertory Prayer and Offering – Bill

Special Music – Consequence Free

Skit – “God’s Voice Mail” – Scene 5

Our Morning Prayer – Kathy

Hymn – “I’ll Fly Away” – #8

Skit– “God’s Voice Mail” – Scene 6

Fitness Break – Jesus Joggers

Special Music – Consequence Free

Benediction and God’s Blessing – Paul


THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our worship service today.

SUMMER SERVICES: Our services for the summer months will be joint services beginning at 10:00 a.m. Services for July will be at Crinan and services for August will be at Duff Largie. Mr. Doug Gillard will be our speaker for July and August. There will be no services on July 29 and August 5.

LARGIE WMS and LADIES’ AID: The Largie WMS and Ladies’ Aid will meet on Monday, July 9, at 8:00 p.m. Roll call is a donation to the Daffodil Society. The topic will be the committee’s choice. The committee is Isabel Reid and Phylliss McCallum. Lunch committee is Marguerite Boyd and Jackie Leitch.

THE ELGIN COUNTY MUSEUM is celebrating “The Scots in Elgin County” from Saturday, May 12, 2018 to Saturday, September 1, 2018. Celebrate the 200th anniversary of the arrival in Elgin County of emigrants from the Scottish Highlands, mainly Argyllshire. Part of the display will include the ARGYLE PIPE BAND. Check the website for more particulars after May 12.
Elgin County Museum