Parish Nurse


June 2024

Know Your Normal

This is the last Health information write up till the fall. I feel you ladies need to have this information! This week I went for my 2-year Mammogram. Always great fun. What I learned is that after 74 years of age the program stops sending you reminders to come for a screening. But you are still eligible to have a screening, all you need to do is call and book an appointment. So, ladies if you have not had a screening in a few years, you may want to book one. I will be more than happy to help you book one and even take you to your appointment. The screening takes about 10 minutes, and you get your results in the mail a few weeks later. This is preventive health, and we are lucky that this province has this program. Please see me after the service for more information.

With the nice weather arriving, hello sunshine and hello to happy times with family and friends! My wish to you all is enjoy what you like most about summer- keep in good health and good spirits.

Blessings Christine (parish nurse)