
The Session of Knox Goderich consists of 12 Elders who are responsible for making decisions in all aspects of the life of the congregation. Each Elder oversees a district of Members and Adherents within the Knox Goderich community. Meetings are held from September to June with special meetings being called by the Moderator of Session, Rev. Amanda Bisson, when necessary. Membership, worship, financial and personnel matters and the use of the church building are a few of the topics that require the authority of Session. If there are any concerns or issues that arise within the congregation, Elders may be contacted for information.

Current list of Knox Goderich Elders
Martha Archbold
Barbara Armstrong
Chris Evans
Rob Evans
Barb Hainsworth (Clerk of Session)
Alexis Lonsdale
Colleen Maguire
Brenda Shea
Beth Sorensen
Bev Whetstone
Liz Wilson