History of Knox-St. Andrews

(excerpts from “The History of Knox-St. Andrews Presbyterian Church” written by Albert Ford, August 2002)

History of Knox-St. Andrews author and long-standing church member Albert Ford

When emigrating from Scotland in the 19th century, many people settled in the area to become known as Wallacetown. These settlers were given spiritual nourishment by missionaries who occasionally came through the area.

The Wallacetown group formed part of the Aldborough congregation, connected to the Presbyterian Church. In 1852, a two-point charge was formed with Duff Church in Largie. The first Wallacetown church was built and opened in 1852. The arrangement was maintained until 1875. Prior to 1852, early devotional services were held outdoors under the direction of Rev. John Fraser of St. Thomas. It was under the ministry of Rev. Donald Kelso that the church was rebuilt in 1902.

Presbyterianism in Dutton dates back to March 1877, when the first sermon was delivered by Rev. J.A. MacDonald, the minister of Wallacetown Presbyterian Church. The first services were held in a building on the corner of Main and Shackleton Streets and later held in the school house. Upon the completion of the Baptist church building, they kindly offered the Presbyterians the use of their building.

In 1880, Rev. D. Stewart became the pastor of Wallacetown and continued the services in Dutton. In 1882, a meeting was held to consider the matter of building a church. A subscription was started and the work was begun the following year. The official opening of the edifice took place Jan. 15, 1884, conducted by Rev. William McLaren of Knox College. Following Rev. Stewart’s departure in 1886, fruitless attempts were made to secure a minister to labour over both congregations as well as arrange hours of service. It was decided by Presbytery of London that the Wallacetown and Dutton congregations be formed into separate charges.

As a result of church union in 1925, the congregations of Wallacetown and West Lorne formed a two-point charge. Knox Church, Dutton remained a single point charge until 1925. As a result of church union, many Cowal residents made the decision to remain with the Presbyterian faith and they became associated with Knox Dutton. They worshiped in Chalmers Church, Cowal. In 1940, all members transferred from Chalmers to the roll of Knox, Dutton.

It was in 1964 that Knox Dutton joined with St. Andrews Wallacetown and Knox West Lorne to form a three-point charge.

In November 1997, the clerk of the joint session of the three churches gave notice to the Presbytery of London of the charges’ intention to study the feasibility of amalgamation. A joint congregational meeting was held on April 28, 1998 and a vote carried 70 to 28 to enter into a trial amalgamation for a two-year period at the Dutton church. Final approval from Presbytery was received and a ministry team was appointed to take the journey with the congregation as observers and consultants.

The congregation was known as the Community Presbyterian Church during the trial amalgamation period. On April 11, 2000, the three congregations voted on whether to make the trial amalgamation permanent or to return to the three-point charge. The West Lorne congregation voted against amalgamation; therefore, amalgamation failed as a three-point charge. A recommendation was then made at a congregational meeting of St. Andrews Wallacetown and Knox Dutton to Presbytery because they wanted to proceed to become a single point charge worshiping in the Dutton building. Permission was granted.

During the tenure of Rev. Tom Godfrey, on May 30, 2000, the congregation selected the name “Knox-St. Andrews Presbyterian Church”. A service of Re-commissioning and Dedication was held on Nov. 5, 2000. On Sept 1, 2001, Robert Karn began conducting services at Knox-St. Andrews and taking care of the pastoral needs of the congregation.

In May 2004, the congregation called Rev. Rob Shaw to service as its pastor. Rob and his wife Valerie have joined their gifts with those gifts present among the members and adherents of the congregation in its continuing witness.

May 2010 marked the 10th Anniversary of Knox-St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. In celebration of God’s faithfulness and the faithfulness of all those who call Knox-St. Andrews their church home, many special events were held. Among those was the presence of Rev. Harvey Self, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, for the anniversary Service held May 2nd.

As part of our 10th Anniversary Celebration, the congregation dressed in period costume and the service  featured old-fashioned hymns and anthems,  the Bible was delivered to the sanctuary by The Beedle, and the collection was taken using cloth pouches on a passing pole.

Church members honour our traditions, dressed in period costume for a special service during our 10th Anniversary year.

Through all the years, Session and Board of Managers have been guiding the spiritual and physical needs of the congregation. With God’s help, they and all members and adherents of the congregation of Knox-St. Andrews will remain faithful servants of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.


A community of faith in Dutton, Ontario