
Local and Abroad

Vacation Bible School: Join us every summer for our community half-day Vacation Bible School that is led by several churches in Dutton. Children are invited to have fun with outdoor games, singing and Bible stories. There is a snack in the middle of the day.  Dates for 2020 are July 6th-10th.

Women’s Evening Friendship Group: Women gather from the congregation once a month to have a time of fellowship and devotion, followed by a time of discussion surrounding the topic of the church’s missional presence  in the world.  This group is afilliated with the wider group of WMS of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Samaritan’s Purse: KSA Church participates in Samaritan’s  Purse every year during the month of November. Filling a shoe box with gifts is a simple way of giving to the needy children of our world during Christmas season.

Presbyterian World Service and Development: As a church we not only support our local needs but we also look beyond ourselves by supporting the efforts of the Relief and Development Agency of our national church.

Messy Church

Messy Church: Join us for Messy Church Family Events.                Dates for 2020 are Mondays: March 23rd and October 5th 4:30-6:30 pm. Enjoy a lively, interactive, intergenerational faith experience with music, crafts (even for adults!), fellowship and dinner. Everyone Welcome! It’s Free. For more info: [email protected] to RSVP See you there!




A community of faith in Dutton, Ontario