
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday to Thursday (10:00 – 1:00)

Minister:  Rev. Anne-Marie Jones, B.Sc.(hons), M.Div

Photo for Minister's message

Anne-Marie was inducted at Knox in September 2014.  She was born and raised in Prince Edward County as a “Preacher’s Kid”.  The call from God came at a young age as she watched her father, the Rev. Bob Jones in his pastoral work within his congregations and the local community.  Through her many years of studies, Anne-Marie earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Waterloo and then her Masters of Divinity degree from the University of Toronto.  She also experienced a year internship at St. Giles Presbyterian Church in Sarnia, Ontario.
One of Anne-Marie’s passions is her Peace Pole project that still continues.  There are presently six Peace Poles in the City of Belleville with different languages along the waterfront trails.  There are more in the works as she plans poles in different cities across Canada.  Another passion is her service at Rotary International.
Anne-Marie has served the Presbyterian Church in Canada for over 14 years and has hopes for God’s church in these modern times.

Music Director:  Eleanor McDougall


Eleanor grew up in rural Grey County in a home that was always filled with music.  There were five siblings, all of whom were privileged to be given music lessons and she started piano lessons at the age of 6.  At the age of 16, she was invited to play the small electronic organ at Letterbreen United Church that she attended with her family and continued in that role for 7 years until her marriage to her husband, Don, in 1964.  They relocated to Meaford in 1967 and she became organist at Knox in 1984.  Handbells were purchased in 1985 and over the years the vocal and handbell choirs have provided inspiring and uplifting music to enhance weekly worship at Knox. Eleanor has been a volunteer with various groups in the community, and also enjoys crafts, yoga and outdoor activities.  She and her husband have three adult children and seven grandchildren, all living in various parts of the world thus allowing many opportunities for travel.

Clerk of Session:  Jennifer Pearson


Jennifer is a third generation elder and a ‘life-long’ member of Knox.  Jennifer has many great memories of our current location as well as the ‘downtown’ church on the corner of Cook and Nelson Streets.  Being baptized by Rev. Jennings, participating in Sunday School concerts in the basement of the former church and joining in sing songs with Rev. McNeil playing his guitar, enjoying Rev. Duff’s Youth Group activities with the Thornbury and Meaford youth and having Rev. Raeburn-Gibson officiate at their wedding are all great memories of her years at Knox.
Jennifer has enjoyed being involved in Vacation Bible Schools, helping with luncheons and playing with the Handbell Choir.
We at Knox look forward to many years of faith, fun and fellowship!