New Beginnings in a Foreign Land

We are going to Nepal for 2 years!


Here are the details… Supported by The Presbyterian Church in Canada, we will be going to Nepal for 2 years, seconded to the United Mission to Nepal. We will be spending the first 6 weeks in Kathmandu, doing a crash-course in Nepali, as well as general orientation, and thereafter we will be going to Tansen, a smaller town of 30K where we will be living for the next few years in a Christian community.

Nick will be working as a surgeon-teacher there, supported by 2 other experienced general surgeons, one Nepali, and one from the UK. He will be teaching and supporting both surgical-residents, as well as general practitioner-residents. The children will be going to school from 9 until 1 in Tansen with a few other expat children (it will be like ‘homeschooling’ except taught by an experienced teacher), and will get to experience a different way of living – perhaps to counter some of the effects of affluenza.

Becky has as-of-yet not committed to any particular assignment officially, but will be focusing initially on making sure that the children especially have “landed” and feel stable as our family undergoes this new transition. There are opportunities for her as an Occupational Therapist at the UMN 170 bed hospital (, but I also know that she finds joy interacting with people in their own home environments.

We will be providing more updates in the coming weeks on this blog, which Becky has graciously allowed to be turned into the ‘family blog’, in recognition that we have been somewhat poor at the ‘facebook thing’, and leaving the country might be a reasonable impetus to be more communicative with our friends and family.

In our tradition the biblical story offers the enticement of a God who offers new beginnings – the option of a fresh start. We wish you all the best of new beginnings that a New Year has to offer, and thank you for your prayers as we try to live faithfully into this new adventure.

Becky and Nick


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