Birthweight Day Party

Angel babyIn the Christian tradition 40 days is a time of trial or judgement – think of the Israelites wandering in the desert, Jesus’ temptation after his time in the desert, among others. This small child has also had a time of trial, but on the 40th day of her life she surpassed her birth weight of 1.680 kg. She was discharged just a few days later having continued to increase her weight with breastfeeding alone.

On the 41st day of her life we had a little party – hopefully not too bewildering to some of the other moms & dads in the little NICU, where we shared some chocolate cake and tea. There was apparently some confusion at first, since we also brought our own baby: “Why was the doctor having a party for his baby?” was a question asked, quite rightly, by one of the newer moms. Satisfactory explanations eventually ensued.

Words of encouragement and thanks, both for her mother, and for the medical & nursing team were spoken.

The child is still not yet officially named, but I believe that God has named this child nonetheless, and loves her at least as much as any of us ever could (words spoken by our minister a few years ago).

Psalm 139 “For you know my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

Arun baby

Arun Budha, the senior general surgeon at Tansen (and my boss) holding the babe.

Anesthesia baby

Two senior nurse anesthetists who performed the anesthesia for the little babe about 45 days ago. They did a caudal block (small needle in the back) to keep baby comfortable.


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  1. jlaurenson February 19, 2019 at 3:56 pm · ·

    Yes it is!

  2. Duncan Robertson March 26, 2018 at 10:31 pm · ·

    Is this the same baby in “I want her to live” ?

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