
Our mission is to grow higher in praise of God in a way that honors and extols His love. Our worship reaches out as it reaches up being led by the Spirit and guided by Scripture. Our approach to worship could be described as blending both traditional and contemporary styles. As for music, we sing hymns and contemporary music, which are usually projected on the screen.

Sunday Morning:

10:00 AM

Casual or formal

We have a nursery for toddlers and nursing mothers.

Age 5-12 Sunday School (dismissed during the service)

Immediately after the service, we meet for coffee, tea, refreshments, and conversation. We hope you will wait to meet our community.

We pray that worship will truly be a time spent in the presence and the glory of God. We encourage everyone to prepare for worship with prayer at home or before the service begins. We ask that as much as possible people arrive on time out of courtesy for those who are worshiping, but also for those spent in prayer and preparation for leading us in praise of our God and Saviour.

Every third Sunday of the month we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. All who proclaim Jesus as Lord and Saviour are welcome to participate. Please call to find out what Sunday in the month Communion is available.

Tithes and Offerings:
Every week we collect an offering as our response to God’s incredible love for us. This act of worship is not obligatory. Whatever we give is done with a joyful and thankful heart knowing that it is being used to glorify God. If you would like to have offering envelopes so a tax receipt can be issued to you at year’s end, please speak to an Elder.

We encourage everyone to make full use of their potential in Christ Jesus. One way we can do this together is by becoming a member of a local church like PCIP. If you are interested in becoming a member please speak to one of the Elders.