Praise God for the youth of our church

The September issue was a well done and encouraging read. Praise God for the youth of our church. I would like an afternoon session with each one who has written for us.
Connie Purvis's article is the one prompting this letter to the editor. I love her candid description of expectations about Real Life and wonder if my 65 years of experience might be encouraging to her. I credit the “benevolent, enigmatic King” she refers to for the enormously satisfying and fulfilling life I have experienced.
Her reference to the “frustration for newcomers to Real Life” hit me hard as a senior in high school, but the “consolation” she refers to took over after six months of very rough sledding.
I believe it was my parents' respect for the book she refers to as the “entire Bible” which prompted them to expose me to the practical application of it that laid a foundation in my life that permitted many totally unexpected and rewarding directives to present themselves.
This is all recorded in The Path of Life — Memoirs of Clare and Grace McGill . Now out of print, copies are available in the church archives and many churches. I would be happy to communicate with any interested in my Real Life.