
Here is this year’s Sunday School Christmas concert.

Tori Smit, a regional minister for faith formation in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, has once again created an interactive Advent calendar. Click on the link below to access it.

South Kinloss WMS November Meeting

The November meeting of the South Kinloss Women’s Missionary Society took place on Wednesday, November 2 in the meeting room at Ostbeck Manor Apartments. The meeting was opened by President Donna Sutton, with prayer and our Purpose.

The minutes were read by Secretary Marilyn MacIntyre. This was followed by the financial reports by Treasurer Margaret Hamilton and Donna Sutton. This also included confirmation that monies had been sent forward to the three Kenyan schools that the group assists. The President’s report consisted of a review of last week’s Fall Rally, a request for Annual Reports and correspondence received.

In new business, the group discussed updating the Pen Pal list with a few new additions, setting our new goal for our Mama Hope Jar funds, what charities we would donate to this year, and whether to collect calendars for residents of Pinecrest Nursing Home.

The Roll Call of items for the F.E.Madill Christmas Shopping Spree was answered by six members and two guests.

The group was led in a Remembrance Day themed worship service by Margaret Hamilton. The meeting was closed by prayer and was followed by a social time of conversation and delicious snacks.

Maitland Presbytery of Women’s Missionary Society Hold Fall Rally

The Maitland Presbytery of the Women’s Missionary Society met at Camp Kintail on Saturday, October 29, 2022, to hold the first in person Fall Rally since 2019.
Approximately fifty members and guests gathered to celebrate their love of God with thanksgiving to be able to come together in person.
The day began with a luncheon provided by the camp staff. A lively session of Gathering Music welcomed the crowd before the meeting began. President Mary Simmons, of Belmore, constituted the formal part of the Rally, with greetings from the Camp Director, Rev. Theresa McDonald-Lee and Directors of Presbyterian World Sharing and Development and Council.
Two power point presentations were made by some of the campers sponsored by the Maitland Societies this year told of their camp experiences.
Anne Guay, of the South Kinloss Society introduced the guest speaker, Ms Audrey Bos of Auburn, who enthralled the audience with pictures and stories of her most recent trip to the Village of Hope in Zimbabwe. Judy Watt of the Kincardine Society thanked MS Bos.
The worship portion of the day was presented by Lorraine Clugston of the Wingham Goforth Society, concluding with prayer.
While the offering was gathered, Marilynne and Dale Gilchrist, of the South Kinloss Society sang a duet, and then Jo Landon, also of the South Kinloss Society blessed the offering.
Two Honourary Memberships were presented by President Mary Simmons. One from 2021 to Betty Mitchell, of the Molesworth Society and one for 2022 to Margaret Hamilton, of the South Kinloss Society.
Recognition of the history and role of the Molesworth Society was presented by Betty Mitchell as the Molesworth group is leaving the formal umbrella of the WMS.
A prayer by Irlma Jean Haldenby of the Lucknow Society closed out the proceedings and ended a great day at the lake.

April 2022

You may recall that Tori Smit is a regional minister for faith formation in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Click on this link to get the interactive calendar that she created for Holy Week.

Holy Week Activities

March 1, 2022

We are all saddened by the crisis occurring in Ukraine. The Session would encourage those who are able to donate to the Canadian Red Cross Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal while the Canadian Government is matching donations up to $10,000,000 (March 18). The preferred way to do this is by clicking on the link below.


If you are not comfortable giving this way, donations will be accepted for the next two Sundays by indicating “Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal” on your offering envelope.

Please pray for the people of Ukraine and a quick and peaceful resolution to this war.

February 5, 2022

Throughout the pandemic, Sunday School lessons have been distributed to the children in a variety of ways. This month’s lesson and activities were sent electronically so here is what was distributed.

Hi Everyone,
If you click here, you will find the February Sunday School lesson about Jesus calling his disciples.
Please start by watching the videos when you click on #1 and #2.
Click on the music notes to find the words to the song, “I Want to Walk”. You will be able to sing along to this song if you click on the tree in the picture.
You will also find another song about Jesus calling the disciples.
There are a number of activities to do too. If you don’t have a printer and you want to do one of the pages, please let me know and I will make sure you get what you need.
There is also a paper folding craft to show you how to make a paper fish. You will need a 15cm square of paper (or you can use whatever size you like as long as it’s square). You could even use newspaper if that’s what you have available. You might have to watch the video a few times to figure out how to fold the fish just right. Some people might need some help from an adult.. I would love to see a picture of your fish if you get it to work!
Have fun learning about Jesus and His disciples. Remember that we are all followers of Jesus. We can walk and talk with him every day!
Happy Valentine’s Day this month! I would be happy to hear how you showed some love to the people around you this month.
We hope to see you soon!
Marilynne and your Sunday School Teachers

Jan. 21, 2022

At last night’s Session meeting, it was decided to resume services in the sanctuary starting in February pending no further recommendations from health authorities. The reasons for this decision include:
– medical experts deciding that it’s safe to start loosening restrictions beginning the end of the month
– an assumption that attendees will follow all health protocols in place
– an acknowledgment that most, if not all, our members and adherents are fully vaccinated
– a trust that anyone who is not feeling well or should be isolating will not attend
– that nobody will feel pressure to attend if they are not comfortable doing so

Here are the worship leaders scheduled for February
6 – Mary Jane Bisset
13 – Rev. Kathy Fraser
20 – Char Britmeier
27 – Barb Willits

Dec. 29, 2021

With the number of Covid cases higher than they have ever been, the Session made the difficult decision to cancel in person services until February. We realize that most, if not all, of our church family is fully vaccinated but that doesn’t seem to be stopping the Omicron variant. The WMS has also decided that it’s best to cancel the January meeting.

We encourage you to find services and other ways to nurture your spiritual health on the internet, tv, radio or in print. For example, you may want to watch the online services provided to St. Andrews P. C. in Owen Sound led by Rev. Ed Hoekstra, our interim moderator, by clicking on this link . Scroll down to the the third sentence after the pictures then click on “YouTube”. The service should be available anytime after 10 am on Sunday.

It would also be appreciated if you would pick up the phone to check in with people, especially those who live alone. These continue to be challenging times but we will get through it with God’s help and by supporting each other.

Take care and stay safe,

Dale (on behalf of Session)


Tori Smit is a regional minister for faith formation in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Click on this link to get the interactive Advent calendar that she created.

Click on the link below to read the letter from our interim moderator regarding the discussion after church next Sunday, Nov. 21 about how we want to proceed moving forward. If you are not able to attend, please share your thoughts or questions with a member of Session.
Interim Moderator’s letter to the congregation Nov 2021

The second report on uniforms purchased for students in Kenya can be seen by clicking this link.
School uniforms second Report

Click on this link to read the first report on uniforms purchased with money raised from Nancy’s yard sale, church and other donations. Kenya Uniforms report-LAPTOP-2A0M625E

“God’s Cathedral”
September 2021
Psalm 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”
Autumn is a wonderful season of the year.  Unlike other parts of our country and in the world,
we have had a good summer with adequate rain and warmth for our crops and gardens.
Though we have had some serious weather lately which has caused damage in this early part of
September, we can look forward to the beautiful time of fall.
It is so relaxing and a joyful experience to be outdoors with one another. As you walk outside,
you could say that you are in God’s cathedral! The beautiful trees, the fall colours starting to
show their beauty, the smells – all add to the worship experience we have in God’s wonderful
creation. Whenever my wife Jackie and I go walking along the road, or riding our bikes, we
comment on the beauty of the trees; the smells; the sun pouring in and the wonderful shadows
it causes in the latter part of the day.
You may be carrying heavy burdens; dealing with health issues or feeling down and you are
distracted away from the beauty all around you.  At times like this, we need someone to share
the beauty with us about God’s creation! Though we may not feel like praising, a conversation
about the gift of God’s creation, temporarily puts our minds off of the things that are bothering
us (if only for a short while) and on to God. God is the creator who loves you so much that he
sent Jesus Christ to show you the way to live, to provide you with healing through the Holy
Spirit and to be your Saviour!  Let’s make it a habit to talk with one another about the joy we
experience in God and in God’s awesome Creation. What did you see today in God’s beautiful
We welcome you to South Kinloss Presbyterian Church! We are a warm, welcoming congregation. If
you are searching for a church home, you are encouraged to come and worship with us and
become part of our church family. We are engaged in various ministries in and outside of the
congregation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.  God Bless

Peace and Joy in Christ.
Rev. Ed Hoekstra

Saturday, July 24

Hi everyone

This is a reminder that tomorrow’s service will be in the sanctuary led by Mary Jane Bisset. Here is the schedule for the rest of the summer services:
August 1                    Rev. Ruth Maclean
August 8                    Mary Jane Bisset (in the sanctuary)
August 15 & 22         Marilynne Gilchrist
August 29                  Bonnie Cunningham (in the sanctuary)

As usual, please pay special attention to the self screening guide and the health warnings that are listed below.

Location: South Kinloss Presbyterian Church
Time: 9:30 am.
Seating: You may sit in bubbles in pews marked with green masking tape.
Masks: These are still required for indoor services.
Singing: This will be allowed since people are physically distant and wearing masks.
Offering: There will be places for you to drop your offering. No plates will be passed.
Attendance: Anyone with the symptoms listed below and people who are medically vulnerable or uncomfortable for any reason are asked to stay home. A list of those attending will be kept for one month for contact tracing purposes.
Note: There will be no Sunday School and access to washrooms is for emergency use only. Sorry!

Symptoms of COVID-19:

•new onset of cough
•unexplained fatigue
•sore throat
•runny nose
•stuffy or congested nose
•lost sense of taste or smell
•difficulty breathing
•difficulty swallowing
•pink eye
•digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain), or
•for young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite

Also, if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or someone who has developed new respiratory symptoms, please do not attend.

Friday, July 16, 2021

This is a reminder that this Sunday’s service has a camp theme with the message: “Finding God in the Stillness”. You are welcome to wear your camp gear and bring a percussion instrument as we will be singing some of our favourite Christain camp songs. The bulletin is posted but there will be paper copies available for those who are comfortable taking one.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Hi S.K. Church Family

There are a couple of missions that I would like to bring to your attention.

Yesterday, Nancy MacIntyre hosted a yard sale with the the help of her family, WMS members and others. All proceeds were allocated to purchase school uniforms for children in Kenya (see pictures posted in the photo section). In most cases, uniforms can be bought for $12 – $15 each and provide opportunities for children who would not otherwise have them. Thanks to the generosity of so many people, $700 was raised, every penny going to children in need. This was mentioned in today’s message of being the hands and feet of Jesus and another $100 was donated in support of this project. This means more than 60 Kenyan children will soon be wearing new uniforms to school.

Also for a limited time, the Tiffany Circle, a group of women philanthropists, is contributing twice what individuals donate to the Canadian Red Cross in support of people affected by the wildfires in BC (to a maximum of $105,000). This means a $25 contribution generates $75 to provide relief to those affected by these devastating wildfires.  If you wish to donate through your church envelopes, please indicate the amount that you want to go to the Red Cross BC Wildfire Relief on the “other” line and do so by July 19.

Friday, July 2, 2021
Dear South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Family,

I am going to try to take over maintaining the church website. As much as I appreciate your patience as I get used to the process, I would really like for you to contact me if you see any errors or if you have anything that you want to add (events to the calendar, pictures of our church family, etc.)

If you go to the calendar, you will see that the summer services have been finalized. They are all at 9:30 am and in the church parking lot, weather permitting.

Rev. Hoekstra will probably be wanting to start contacting people for September’s pulpit supply this month. The Session would really appreciate hearing from you if you have any opinions regarding who should be approached to be worship leaders. Please let Walter, Nancy, Margaret or myself know if you have any thoughts on pulpit supply (or any other church related matters).




Saturday June 26, 2021
Dear South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Family,

Tomorrow will be our last Sunday together.  As we look to God’s Word for inspiration, we will be hearing the Apostle Paul’s closing words to the Romans where he greets the saints of the early church.  While the plan is to have the service outdoors, the weather forecast indicates a high probability of rain.  Should the weather appear foreboding, the service will be moved inside.  So, if you come to church tomorrow and see people in the parking lot, we are outside.  If you only see cars and no people, we are inside.

Looking to the summer months, I have spoken to the interim moderator, the Rev. Ed Hoekstra of St. Andrew’s Owen Sound, and he informed me that pulpit supply has been arranged for July and August.  On July 4, the Rev. Ruth MacLean will be leading the Sunday service.  Rev. Hoekstra will be meeting with both sessions next week.

For those attending the service tomorrow, please pay special attention to the self screening guide and the health warnings that are listed in the following paragraphs. Please print or download the bulletin for this service which contains the Call To Worship, the Responsive Psalm, and the hymns for this Sunday.

Sunday, June 27, 2021 Church Service Details

Location: South Kinloss Church parking lot. Rev. Paul will have a microphone connected to a battery powered amplifier.  If the weather is not suitable to have the service outside, we will gather in the sanctuary.

Time: 9:30 a.m.

Seating: You may bring your lawn chairs and sit in physically distant bubbles or park your car and be part of the service from there. If you do plan to sit in your vehicle, please try to be there by 9:15 a.m.

Masks: These are not required for outdoor services but people who feel more comfortable wearing them are encouraged to do so. A representative from the Grey-Bruce Public Health said that there isn’t any information on singing outdoors so to be extra cautious, people could wear masks when singing.

Singing: Guitars will be used to accompany the singing of the attached hymns.

Offering: There will be places for you to drop your offering. No plates will be passed.

Attendance: Anyone with the symptoms listed below and people who are medically vulnerable or uncomfortable for any reason are asked to stay home and view the online service which Rev. Paul will post as usual. A list of those attending will be kept for one month for contact tracing purposes.

Note: There will be no Sunday School, access to washrooms or refreshments following the service.  Sorry!

Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • fever
  • new onset of cough
  • chills
  • unexplained fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • stuffy or congested nose
  • lost sense of taste or smell
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • pink eye
  • digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain), or
  • for young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetiteAlso, if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or someone who has developed new respiratory symptoms, please do not attend.



Saturday June 19, 2021
Dear South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Family,

Here are a few important updates on church life.

First, tomorrow is Father’s Day.  We will be having a special Father’s Day service outside in the church parking lot at our regular 9:30 a.m. time.  In the event that the weather does not co-operate, the Sunday service will take place indoors.   For those who are able to make it, we look forward to seeing you there.  As always, the service will be available online later on in the day.

Secondly, my last service as your minister will take place on Sunday June 27.  This service will also take place outdoors, at 9:30 a.m., in the church parking lot, with the sanctuary being our alternative location should it threaten to rain.

Thirdly, the Presbytery of Grey-Bruce-Maitland has appointed the Rev. Ed Hoekstra of St. Andrew’s Owen Sound to be your interim moderator effective July 1.  Rev. Ed is new to the Presbytery, having commenced his ministry in Owen Sound in March.  I spoke with him on the phone earlier this week and he comes across as a very compassionate and capable minister.  I am sure you will be in very good hands.

Finally, looking to the summer months, the Session will continue to monitor the pandemic situation week by week.   For the moment, provincial policy allows us to gather together for worship, and we will continue to do so as long regulations permit.  Rev. Ed, in consultation with the Session, will ensure that Sunday services are provided.

Please pay special attention to the self screening guide and the health warnings that are listed in the following paragraphs. Please print or download the bulletin for this service which contains the Call To Worship, the Responsive Psalm, and the hymns for this Sunday.

Sunday, June 20, 2021 Church Service Details

Location: South Kinloss Church parking lot. Rev. Paul will have a microphone connected to a battery powered amplifier.

Time: 9:30 a.m.  If the weather is not suitable to have the service outside, we will gather in the sanctuary.

Seating: You may bring your lawn chairs and sit in physically distant bubbles or park your car and be part of the service from there. If you do plan to sit in your vehicle, please try to be there by 1:45 pm.

Masks: These are not required for outdoor services but people who feel more comfortable wearing them are encouraged to do so. A representative from the Grey-Bruce Public Health said that there isn’t any information on singing outdoors so to be extra cautious, people could wear masks when singing.

Singing: Guitars will be used to accompany the singing of the attached hymns.

Offering: There will be places for you to drop your offering. No plates will be passed.

Attendance: Anyone with the symptoms listed below and people who are medically vulnerable or uncomfortable for any reason are asked to stay home and view the online service which Rev. Paul will post as usual. A list of those attending will be kept for one month for contact tracing purposes.

Note: There will be no Sunday School, access to washrooms or refreshments following the service.  Sorry!

Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • fever
  • new onset of cough
  • chills
  • unexplained fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • stuffy or congested nose
  • lost sense of taste or smell
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • pink eye
  • digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain), or
  • for young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetiteAlso, if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or someone who has developed new respiratory symptoms, please do not attend.



Thursday June 10, 2021
Dear South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Family,

Now that the province is allowing outdoor services, we are hoping that the weather co-operates on Sunday to have an anniversary service at 2 pm.

Please pay special attention to the self screening guide and the health warnings that are listed in the following paragraphs. Please print or download the bulletin for this service which contains the Call To Worship, the Responsive Psalm, and the hymns for this Sunday.

Sunday, June 13, 2021 Church Service Details

Location: South Kinloss Church parking lot. Rev. Paul will have a microphone connected to a battery powered amplifier.

Time: 2 pm . If the weather is not suitable to have the service the congregation will be notified on Facebook and email by 12:00 pm on Sunday

Seating: You may bring your lawn chairs and sit in physically distant bubbles or park your car and be part of the service from there. If you do plan to sit in your vehicle, please try to be there by 1:45 pm.

Masks: These are not required for outdoor services but people who feel more comfortable wearing them are encouraged to do so. A representative from the Grey-Bruce Public Health said that there isn’t any information on singing outdoors so to be extra cautious, people could wear masks when singing.

Singing: Guitars will be used to accompany the singing of the attached hymns.

Offering: There will be places for you to drop your offering. No plates will be passed.

Attendance: Anyone with the symptoms listed below and people who are medically vulnerable or uncomfortable for any reason are asked to stay home and view the online service which Rev. Paul will post as usual. A list of those attending will be kept for one month for contact tracing purposes.

Note: There will be no Sunday School, access to washrooms or refreshments following the service.  Sorry!

Symptoms of COVID-19:

  • fever
  • new onset of cough
  • chills
  • unexplained fatigue
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • runny nose
  • stuffy or congested nose
  • lost sense of taste or smell
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • pink eye
  • digestive issues (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain), or
  • for young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetiteAlso, if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or someone who has developed new respiratory symptoms, please do not attend.


Rev. Paul Sakasov
The Session of South Kinloss Presbyterian Church

Saturday June 5, 2021
Dear South Kinloss Presbyterian Church Family,

In Philippians 2:5-8 Paul instructs the church, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross!”

Of all the passages in Scripture, these words from Philippians are among my favorite.  In these three verses I am reminded of who God is, and who I aspire to be.  Starting with God, these verses remind me that God is someone who uses His power for our benefit, and that God will go to any length to serve His children.  In His dealing with us, God is so unlike the typical person who wields power.

Having been reminded of who God is, Philippians 2 reminds us of who we are called to be.  In contrast to the culture which surrounds us, that seeks power for its own benefit, we are called to be humble servant leaders.  Following the example of Jesus, who washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, and who laid down his life for us, we have been called to transcend the self centredness of our day and find life in serving others.

This is a life worth pursuing.  May God help us as we continue in our journey to pursue the high calling that has been placed on our lives.

