The PCC calendar is no longer available so here is a list of upcoming events.
Feb. 23: Donations to the food bank greatly appreciated
Feb. 23 following the service: Soup & Sandwich lunch with proceeds going to the Canadian Food Grains Bank
Feb. 24 at 7 pm: Annual meeting at the church
Mar. 2: Sunday School collects change for SCAW bedkits
Mar. 5 at 2 pm: WMS meeting at Nancy’s. Roll Call: A Bible verse that includes the word “help” or
something that can be done to help someone
Mar. 7 at 2 pm: World Day of Prayer at Lucknow United Church
Mar. 16: Second Sunday in Lent including Communion in the service
Mar. 23 following the service: Soup & Sandwich lunch with proceeds going to Evangel Hall