Women’s Missionary Society, Thanksgiving meeting Oct.15, 2pm

The next WMS Meeting is Monday October 15th at 2pm in de Renzy Hall.  All are welcome.

St. Andrews has an active WMS group. The study guide, Glad Tidings magazine is up for renewal. Anyone interested, please see Margaret Hughes.
Here’s a link to the WMS website. https://www.wmspcc.ca/ You can see what’s going on with our mission there.

Who We Are
Welcome to the WMS: come study, pray, serve and join in fellowship

On Overview

The Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) is an autonomous organization within The Presbyterian Church in Canada. To carry out the purpose of the WMS, local groups have been established in congregations from Quebec to British Columbia. The local group is the mainstay of the Society.

Groups meet regularly to study, pray for, and serve the mission of the church. They are informed about current and relevant mission and justice projects through the use of church mission studies, Glad Tidings, and other resources from The Book Room.

Groups transform their knowledge into action through prayer and service. They regularly respond to long-term and emergency need in congregations, communities, and the world. Their contributions to the national WMS office support mission grants, yearly mission projects, resources, and staff.

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