St. Andrew’s update on Church opening

Since the green light was given to places of faith being allowed to reopen to 30% of their building capacity, the Session at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has been prayerfully discussing the options and public health directives.  Taking these into consideration as well as the health and wellbeing of our congregation and community we see the need to move slowly and cautiously to not only our congregation, but of our community as well.  Session has decided that our building will remain closed to in-person public worship for the time being as we continually monitor the guidelines and instructions set by the province and Renfrew County and District Health Unit.

                We are continually looking at options that are available to churches for worship and the many opportunities we have to share worship in a variety of settings.  As things continue to progress forward, we, as a Session, remain committed to looking forward as well.  Nothing is set in stone, as we have learned during this COVID-19 outbreak, we need to remain flexible in how we provide worship.  We prayerfully hope that by September, we will be able once again be together worshipping God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

                Our official Facebook presence is a group called “This Week at St. Andrew’s”.  If you have Facebook, we are asking that you join us there (invite family and friends as well!).  Our Interim Moderator, Rev. Dave McFarlane continues to share with us his worship services and posts them to this group for your convenience.  Updates and other information will also be shared there, as well through the Elders.  

                Please stay tuned as more information comes forward as we continue to meet and discuss all opportunities available.  

God’s blessings to you all.

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