Mission Moments

THANK YOU for your generosity. 

Each week, we’ll add a new story about how the ministries of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, in partnership with different organizations around the globe, and supported through YOUR gifts to Presbyterians Sharing and Presbyterian World Service & Development, are changing lives at home and around the world.

With support from Presbyterians Sharing, ARISE Ministry provides compassionate outreach and spiritual care to survivors of sexual exploitation, trauma, and abuse in the Greater Toronto Area. This past spring, ARISE partnered with the production company of “Angel’s Bone,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning opera that follows two vulnerable youths who are lured into exploitative relationships by their traffickers. Along with members of the production team, ARISE engaged in an awareness and education campaign about human trafficking in Canada leading up to the performances. ARISE was also present for Q&A sessions after each performance to provide context for the show and to highlight ongoing efforts in Toronto and Canada to combat trafficking.

Since 1943, Camp Kannawin has faithfully gathered children and youth on the shores of Sylvan Lake, AB, for a summer of outdoor adventures, fun activities, and spiritual growth. Last year, the camp expanded its programming by partnering with Sphero, a leading name in educational robotics, to introduce the wonders of coding and robotics to campers. Now, campers have the opportunity to explore and engage in the world of technology as they learn to code their own robots, witness their creations come to life, and participate in fun challenges that foster collaboration and innovation. Due to popular demand, the programming is available again this summer.

In Yemen, the ongoing war, collapsed economy, and disrupted public services have led to one of the worst humanitarian situations in the world, which includes severe malnutrition, hunger, displacement and poverty. To address this, PWS&D, through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, has supported the distribution of essential food baskets to severely food-insecure households.

Musa, a displaced man from Al-Hodeida, lives in cramped conditions with his family and struggles to make ends meet by selling water bottles. His wife requires surgery, adding to their financial strain. With the assistance received, Musa’s family improved their food security by purchasing fruits and vegetables. With essential food needs addressed, Musa can now redirect the money he earns towards improving sanitation facilities for their home.